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Comprehensive Guide to PCR Instruments: Usage, Faults, Maintenance, and Brands Serviced

Introduction to PCR Instrument

The PCR Instrument (Polymerase Chain Reaction Instrument) is a precision device that utilizes PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology to amplify specific DNA fragments in vitro. Renowned for its high sensitivity, efficiency, and specificity, PCR technology finds widespread application in molecular biology, medical diagnosis, genetic research, and criminology. By precisely controlling temperature cycles, the PCR instrument facilitates DNA double-strand separation, primer binding, and new strand synthesis, enabling rapid amplification of the target DNA fragment.


The fundamental principles of PCR technology rely on DNA double strands denaturing into single strands at high temperatures, followed by specific binding of primers to single-strand templates at low temperatures, and the synthesis of new strands catalyzed by DNA polymerase at moderate temperatures. This process cycles through denaturation, annealing, and extension steps, theoretically allowing the specific DNA fragment to amplify to 2^N times after N cycles. As a temperature-controlled device, the PCR instrument ensures precise control of temperature and time in each cycle, guaranteeing the smooth progression of the PCR reaction.

Usage Method

  1. Experiment Preparation: Prepare necessary reagents and instruments, including template DNA, primers, dNTPs, buffer, and enzymes, ensuring all reagents are accurately prepared and meet experimental requirements.
  2. Sample Processing: Purify the template DNA to remove potential inhibitors and adjust the concentration as needed.
  3. Reaction System Preparation: According to the experiment manual or design plan, precisely prepare the PCR reaction system, ensuring accurate quantities of each reagent.
  4. Program Setting: Set the reaction program on the PCR instrument, including temperatures and times for denaturation, annealing, and extension, as well as the number of cycles.
  5. Sample Loading: Add the prepared reaction system into PCR tubes and place them in the designated positions in the PCR instrument.
  6. Reaction Initiation: Start the PCR instrument and proceed with the reaction according to the set program.
  7. Result Analysis: After the reaction, analyze the amplified products using methods such as electrophoresis to interpret the experimental results.

Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. Temperature Instability
    • Phenomenon: Displayed temperature does not match the actual setting or fails to reach the set temperature.
    • Cause: Heating/cooling system malfunction, such as damaged heating elements, fans, or sensors.
    • Repair Method: Inspect and replace damaged components, clean the heating cover, and maintain proper ventilation around the instrument.
  2. Reaction Mixture Sedimentation
    • Phenomenon: Reaction mixture settles on the tube walls.
    • Cause: Inadequate mixing of the reaction liquid or incomplete centrifugation.
    • Solution: Ensure thorough mixing of the reaction liquid and gently centrifuge the tubes before each use.
  3. Leakage
    • Phenomenon: PCR tubes leak.
    • Cause: Improper sealing or use of expired sealing films.
    • Solution: Replace with new sealing films, ensure correct sealing, and avoid moving or shaking the PCR plate.
  4. Power Issues
    • Phenomenon: Instrument fails to start or suddenly powers off.
    • Cause: Loose power plug or faulty power lines.
    • Solution: Check the power plug and lines, and replace the power socket if necessary or seek professional repair assistance.
  5. Program Failure
    • Phenomenon: Program fails to run, unable to complete predetermined cycles.
    • Cause: Computer software settings error, kit quality issues, or incorrect operational steps.
    • Solution: Check program settings, replace with a new kit, and follow the operation manual correctly.
  6. Bulb Malfunction
    • Phenomenon: UV bulb is damaged, preventing visualization of DNA bands.
    • Solution: Promptly replace the damaged bulb to ensure accurate result reading.

Maintenance and Care

  1. Regular Cleaning: Use a lint-free cloth dampened with 75% alcohol to clean the instrument surface and sample stage, keeping ventilation ports unobstructed.
  2. Temperature Calibration: Regularly check the temperature accuracy of the PCR instrument using temperature verification kits, and recalibrate by professionals if necessary.
  3. Hot Lid Inspection: Regularly inspect the hot lid for damage or poor sealing, and replace or adjust promptly to prevent reagent evaporation.
  4. Sample Slot Cleaning: Regularly clean the sample slots to remove potential contaminants, ensuring accurate and reliable experimental results.
  5. Power Management: When the PCR instrument is not in use, it is recommended to unplug the power cord to avoid long-term standby damage to the instrument.
  6. Record Management: Timely record equipment usage, noting the conditions and results of each experiment for traceability and analysis.

Brands and Models of PCR Instruments Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • Applied Biosystems Series: Veriti 96-Well Thermal Cycler, SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler, ProFlex PCR System, QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System.
  2. Bio-Rad
    • T100 Series: T100 Thermal Cycler
    • S1000 Series: S1000 Thermal Cycler
    • C1000 Touch Series: C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler
    • CFX Series: CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System, CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System, CFX Opus 96 Real-Time PCR System, CFX Opus 384 Real-Time PCR System.
  3. Eppendorf
    • Mastercycler Series: Mastercycler Nexus, Mastercycler X50, Mastercycler Pro, Mastercycler Gradient.
  4. Roche
    • LightCycler Series: LightCycler 96 System, LightCycler 480 System II, LightCycler Nano, LightCycler 1536 Real-Time PCR System.
  5. Agilent Technologies
    • SureCycler 8800: High-performance PCR instrument
    • AriaMx Real-Time PCR System: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  6. Qiagen
    • Rotor-Gene Q: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • QIAquant 96 5plex: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  7. Analytik Jena
    • Biometra TAdvanced: High-performance PCR instrument
    • Biometra TRobot: Automated PCR system
    • qTOWER³: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  8. Takara Bio
    • Thermal Cycler Dice Touch: High-performance PCR instrument
    • Thermal Cycler Dice Real Time System III: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  9. Bioer Technology
    • GeneMax Series: GeneMax
    • LineGene Series: LineGene 9600 Plus, LineGene K Plus
    • XP Cycler: High-performance PCR instrument.
  10. Techne (Bibby Scientific)
    • TC-3000 Series: TC-3000 Thermal Cycler
    • TC-5000 Series: TC-5000 Thermal Cycler
    • Prime Series: Prime Thermal Cycler, PrimeG Gradient Thermal Cycler.
  11. Abbott
    • m2000 Series: m2000 RealTime System.
  12. Cepheid
    • SmartCycler II: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • GeneXpert Series: GeneXpert Infinity, GeneXpert IV, GeneXpert XVI.
  13. Fluidigm
    • Biomark HD: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • Juno System: High-throughput PCR system.
  14. Illumina
    • Eco Real-Time PCR System: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  15. Bioneer
    • Exicycler 96: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • MyCycler: High-performance PCR instrument.
  16. Sansure Biotech
    • MA-6000 Series: MA-6000 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
    • MA-688 Series: MA-688 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
    • MA-7000 Series: MA-7000 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
    • SLAN Series: SLAN-96P Real-Time PCR System, SLAN-48P Real-Time PCR System
    • San-Q Series: San-Q5 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler, San-Q3 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler.

**Longi Electromechanical Company specializes in the long-term repair of PCR instruments, with nearly 30 years of experience. We can quickly repair various instruments and also offer recycling and sales services for various PCR instruments. Welcome to

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Comprehensive Analysis of Spin Coater: Principles, Usage, Common Faults, and Maintenance Guide

Comprehensive Analysis of Spin Coater: Principles, Usage, Common Faults, and Maintenance Guide

I. Overview of Spin Coater

The spin coater is a widely used equipment in laboratories and industrial production, primarily serving to uniformly coat sample solutions onto substrate surfaces. It is commonly found in thin film fabrication, sol-gel experiments, and other fields. With its simple operation and high efficiency, it is an indispensable tool in materials science and microelectronics.

II. Principles of Spin Coater

The working principle of the spin coater is based on centrifugal force. When a substrate is fixed on a high-speed rotating platform, the sample solution dropped onto the substrate rapidly spreads out under the action of centrifugal force, forming a uniform thin film. By controlling parameters such as rotation speed, rotation time, and droplet volume, the spin coater can precisely adjust the thickness and uniformity of the film.

III. Usage of Spin Coater

The usage of the spin coater can be generally divided into the following steps:

  1. Prepare Sample Solution: Dissolve the sample to be coated in an appropriate solvent to prepare a solution of a certain concentration.
  2. Install Substrate: Choose a suitable size chuck, fix it on the rotating platform, and ensure the substrate is centered on the chuck.
  3. Set Parameters: According to experimental requirements, set the rotation speed and rotation time of the spin coater. Typically, there are two steps: the first for initial solution spreading and the second for refining film thickness.
  4. Add Sample: Drop an appropriate amount of sample solution onto the center of the substrate and quickly cover with a protective cover to prevent accidental splashing.
  5. Start Spin Coating: After confirming that the parameter settings are correct, start the spin coater. The sample solution will be uniformly coated onto the substrate under the action of centrifugal force.
  6. Drying Treatment: After spin coating, remove the substrate from the spin coater and perform drying treatment, such as using an oven or centrifugal drying, to allow the sample to dry and cure on the substrate.
  7. Shutdown and Cleaning: Turn off the spin coater and clean any residues on the rotating platform and chuck, keeping the equipment clean and dry.

IV. Common Faults and Maintenance Methods of Spin Coater

  1. Substrate Contamination:
    • Phenomenon: The coated film appears impure or uneven.
    • Maintenance Method: Thoroughly clean the substrate and spin coater, use solvents such as acetone to remove residues, and ensure a dust-free operating environment.
  2. Rotating Platform Fault:
    • Phenomenon: The rotating platform cannot start or the rotation speed is unstable.
    • Maintenance Method: Check if the power cord is properly connected, inspect the rotating platform motor for damage, and replace the motor or repair the circuit board if necessary.
  3. Uneven Droplet Distribution:
    • Phenomenon: The coated film has uneven thickness.
    • Maintenance Method: Check if the droplet system is blocked, adjust the droplet volume and position, and ensure consistent and accurate droplet placement at the center of the substrate.
  4. Mechanical Component Wear:
    • Phenomenon: The spin coater operates noisily and rotates unevenly.
    • Maintenance Method: Regularly lubricate mechanical components, inspect and replace worn parts such as bearings and gears.
  5. Control System Fault:
    • Phenomenon: Unable to set parameters or parameter settings are ineffective.
    • Maintenance Method: Check if the control system circuit board is damaged, recalibrate sensors and controllers, and replace the circuit board or upgrade software if necessary.

V. Summary

As an efficient and precise coating equipment, the spin coater plays a significant role in materials science and microelectronics. Understanding its working principles, mastering correct usage methods, and promptly identifying and resolving common faults are crucial for ensuring experimental results and extending equipment lifespan.

VI. Brands and Models of Spin Coaters Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Laurell Technologies Corporation
    • WS-400B Series: WS-400B-6NPP-LITE, WS-400B-6NPP-LITE-S, WS-400B-6NPP-LITE-6K, WS-400B-6NPP-LITE-8K
    • WS-650 Series: WS-650-23, WS-650-23NPP, WS-650-8B, WS-650-8B-6K
  2. SÜSS MicroTec
    • LabSpin Series: LabSpin 6, LabSpin 8
  3. Specialty Coating Systems (SCS)
    • P6700 Series: P6700, P6708
  4. Chemat Technology
    • KW-4A: Precision Spin Coater
    • KW-4B: Precision Spin Coater
  5. Ossila
    • Spin Coater Series: Ossila Spin Coater
  6. Spin Coating by Integrated Technologies
    • VTC-100 Series: VTC-100
    • VTC-200 Series: VTC-200
  7. Delta Scientific Equipment
    • Spin150 Series: Spin150
  8. APT GmbH
    • Spin150: High-Precision Spin Coater
  9. Future Digital Scientific
    • WS-650Mz-23NPPB: Precision Spin Coater
    • WS-650-23NPP-LITE: Precision Spin Coater
  10. Holmarc Opto-Mechatronics
    • HO-TH-05: Precision Spin Coater
    • HO-TH-06: Precision Spin Coater
  11. Midas System
    • Midas Spin Coater: High-Precision Spin Coater
  12. Brewer Science
    • Cee 200X: Precision Spin Coater
    • Cee 300X: Precision Spin Coater
  13. POLOS by SPS-Europe
    • POLOS 200: Precision Spin Coater
    • POLOS 400: Precision Spin Coater
  14. EV Group (EVG)
    • EVG150: Spin Coater for Semiconductor Manufacturing
  15. Tokyo Ohka Kogyo (TOK)
    • SSP-300: High-Precision Spin Coater

Longi Electromechanical has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing spin coaters and can quickly repair various types of equipment. Additionally, we recycle and sell various spin coaters. Welcome to consult.

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Gel Imaging System: Principles, Usage, Fault Troubleshooting, and Maintenance Guide

I. Introduction

The gel imaging system is an advanced device that integrates gel observation, photography, and analysis, widely used in molecular biology, bioengineering, and biomedical fields. This system utilizes digital cameras or high-resolution CCDs to capture images of gels after electrophoresis, and employs computer analysis software for qualitative and quantitative sample analysis. With technological advancements, modern gel imaging systems now cover various imaging modes such as UV excitation, chemiluminescence, and multicolor fluorescence, greatly expanding their application scope.

II. Principles

The core principle of the gel imaging system is based on the difference in light absorption by samples. Light emitted from the source illuminates the sample, and due to differences in composition and concentration, different samples absorb varying amounts of light. By capturing these differences in the formed images and analyzing them using software, the optical density information of the sample can be obtained, further inferring the sample’s concentration or mass. Qualitative analysis relies on the difference in migration rates of samples on electrophoresis gels or other carriers, determining the components and properties of unknown samples by comparing their positions with standard samples in the chromatogram.

III. Usage

  1. Startup and Precooling: First, turn on the CCD power for precooling. Optimal performance is achieved after approximately 15 minutes. Subsequently, turn on the computer and dark box power, and run the analysis software (e.g., Image Lab).
  2. Sample Preparation and Placement: Place the gel sample in the center of the UV transilluminator, ensuring that the sample receives uniform illumination when the light is automatically turned on.
  3. Parameter Setting and Imaging: Set parameters such as exposure time and gain in the software, and click to run the experimental protocol to start automatic photography. After imaging, select the best image from multiple pictures for subsequent processing.
  4. Image Analysis and Saving: Use the image processing menu in the software to adjust brightness, optimize, and reduce background noise to obtain a clear gel image. Finally, save or print the processed image.

IV. Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. Display Screen Faults: For issues like black screens or abnormal displays, first check if the power connection is normal. If the power is normal, it may be a screen fault requiring replacement.
  2. Light Source Faults: If the light source does not illuminate or is insufficiently bright, check if the lamp tube or power supply is damaged and replace if necessary.
  3. Camera Faults: For issues like inability to capture images or unclear images, it may be due to contaminated or aged lenses. Clean the lens with a clean tissue; if ineffective, replace the camera.
  4. Circuit Faults: For issues like failure to connect to the computer or image transmission problems, check if the interface is loose or if the wiring is aged. Ensure the interface is tightly connected; if the problem persists, replace the connection wiring.
  5. Incorrect Parameter Settings: Check if the parameter settings are correct, as improper image brightness and contrast settings can affect imaging effects. Adjust as needed.
  6. Blurry or Unclear Images: Adjust the focusing ring to obtain a clear image; if the lens is contaminated, clean it.
  7. Color Distortion: Check if the white balance setting is correct and adjust if necessary to correct image colors.

V. Maintenance and Upkeep

  1. Regular Lamp Tube Replacement: As lamp tubes age or damage with use, regular replacement is recommended to ensure imaging effects.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Clean the device with a cleaning cloth and solution to avoid lens blurring and other faults. Ensure cleaning agents do not enter the device.
  3. Proper Storage: When the device is not in use for an extended period, store it in an environment avoiding direct sunlight, high temperatures, and humidity.
  4. Regular Calibration: If the imaging effect is unsatisfactory, device calibration may be required to ensure accuracy.

VI. Brands and Models of Gel Imaging Systems Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Bio-Rad
    • ChemiDoc Series: ChemiDoc MP, ChemiDoc XRS+
    • GelDoc Series: GelDoc Go, GelDoc EZ
  2. GE Healthcare (now Cytiva)
    • Amersham Imager Series: Amersham Imager 600, Amersham Imager 680
    • Typhoon Series: Typhoon FLA 9500, Typhoon FLA 7000
  3. Syngene
    • G Series: GChemi XRQ, GChemi XX6
    • GeneSys Series: GeneSys
  4. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • iBright Imaging Systems Series: iBright FL1000, iBright CL1500
    • myECL Imager: Universal Imaging System
  5. Azure Biosystems
    • Azure C Series: Azure C200, Azure C300, Azure C600
    • Azure Sapphire: Multifunctional Bio-Imaging System
  6. LI-COR Biosciences
    • Odyssey Series: Odyssey CLx, Odyssey Fc
    • Pearl Trilogy: Quantitative Imaging System
  7. Analytik Jena
    • UVP Series: UVP BioDoc-It2, UVP GelDoc-It2
    • ChemStudio Series: ChemStudio, ChemStudio Touch
  8. Vilber Lourmat
    • Fusion FX Series: Fusion FX7, Fusion FX6
    • Quantum Series: Quantum ST4, Quantum ST5
  9. Eppendorf
    • Eppendorf BioSpectrometer: Absorbance and Fluorescence Detection System
    • Eppendorf Gel Imager: Gel Imaging System
  10. UVP (part of Analytik Jena)
    • BioSpectrum Imaging System: Universal Imaging System
    • ChemiDoc-It2: Chemiluminescence Imaging System
  11. ProteinSimple (part of Bio-Techne)
    • FluorChem Series: FluorChem E, FluorChem R
    • AlphaImager Series: AlphaImager HP, AlphaImager Mini
  12. Gel Company
    • OmniDOC Series: OmniDOC, OmniDOC MP
  13. Uvitec
    • UviLux Series: UviLux
    • Alliance Q9 Advanced: High-Sensitivity Imaging System
  14. Cleaver Scientific
    • MicroDOC Series: MicroDOC Basic, MicroDOC Pro
    • MultiDOC Series: MultiDOC-It2
  15. Bio-Techne
    • FluorChem Series: FluorChem M, FluorChem Q

Longi Electromechanical Company has long been engaged in the repair of gel imaging systems, with nearly 30 years of experience. We can quickly repair various instruments, and we also recycle and sell various gel imaging systems. Welcome to consult.

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Comprehensive Analysis of Tool Setters: Principles, Usage, Common Faults, and Professional Repair Guide

I. Principles of Tool Setters

Tool setters, precision instruments based on optical measurement technology, are widely used in CNC machine tools to accurately measure and calibrate the geometric shapes and dimensions of cutting tools. They ensure machining accuracy and stability. The tool setter consists of a light source, optical system, and detector. The light source emits light that passes through the optical system and illuminates the tool. The reflected light from the tool’s surface passes through the optical system again and is received by the detector. The detector converts the received light signals into electrical signals, which are processed by a computer to determine the tool’s geometric shape and dimensions. The measurement accuracy of the tool setter depends on the precision of the optical system and the sensitivity of the detector, requiring high-precision optical components and highly sensitive detectors for manufacturing.

II. Usage Methods

The usage of tool setters varies slightly depending on their type (contact or non-contact), but the basic steps are similar:

  1. Installation: Secure the tool setter in an appropriate location on the CNC machine, such as the tool turret or worktable, ensuring a firm installation.
  2. Power and Communication Connection: If the tool setter requires power or communication with the CNC system, ensure correct connections.
  3. Cleaning: Clean the tool setter and tool to remove dust, oil, or metal chips.
  4. System Setup: Make necessary settings in the CNC system, including selecting the tool setter type and inputting tool setter position parameters.
  5. Calibration: Use a standard tool with known dimensions for initial calibration to ensure measurement accuracy.
  6. Initiate Tool Setting Program: Select or start the tool setting program in the CNC system, and execute corresponding operations based on the tool setter type (contact or non-contact).
    • Contact Type: Slowly move the tool until it contacts the probe and record the trigger point.
    • Non-contact Type (e.g., Laser Tool Setter): Position the tool under the beam, and the system automatically records the data.
  7. Data Processing: The tool setter sends the tool’s length and diameter data to the CNC system, which updates the tool compensation values accordingly.
  8. Save Settings and Test Cut: Ensure that the tool setting data is correctly saved in the CNC system, and perform a brief test cut or dry run to verify the accuracy of the tool settings.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods

Common faults and their repair methods for tool setters include:

  1. Inaccurate or Unstable Measurements:
    • Cause: Worn components, contaminated optical system.
    • Repair: Replace worn components (such as measuring surfaces or mechanical contact points), clean the optical system and lenses.
  2. No Signal Output or Abnormal Signal:
    • Cause: Circuit board failure, damaged sensor, or wiring issues.
    • Repair: Inspect and replace the circuit board, sensor, or wiring.
  3. Large Deviation in Measurement Results:
    • Cause: Inaccurate calibration or incorrect parameter settings.
    • Repair: Recalibrate the tool setter, adjust CNC system parameters.
  4. Intermittent Faults or Decreased Accuracy:
    • Cause: Aging seals, accumulation of dust.
    • Repair: Thoroughly clean the tool setter, replace seals.

During repairs, use specialized tools for disassembly and assembly to avoid damaging precision components. Conduct repairs in a clean, dust-free environment. Stock common spare parts to reduce downtime and keep detailed records of repair processes and replaced components. After repairs, conduct comprehensive testing to ensure proper functionality. For complex faults, especially those involving precision electronic components, it is recommended to seek assistance from the manufacturer or professional repair services. Within the warranty period, repairs should be handled by authorized service providers.

IV. Brands and Models of Tool Setters Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Renishaw
    • OTS Series: OTS
    • NC4 Series: NC4
    • RMP60 Series: RMP60
    • HPMA Series: HPMA
    • TS27R: Tool Setter
  2. Blum-Novotest
    • Z-Nano Series: Z-Nano
    • Z-Pico Series: Z-Pico
    • LC50 Series: LC50-DIGILOG
    • TC Series: TC52, TC76
  3. Marposs
    • Mida Series: Mida Laser Tool Setter (LTS), Mida NTK, Mida VTS
    • TS Series: TS10, TS20
  4. Heidenhain
    • TT Series: TT 160, TT 460
    • TL Series: TL Micro
  5. Zoller
    • smile Series: smile / pilot 2.0
    • venturion Series: venturion 450, venturion 600
    • pom Series: pomBasic, pomSeries
  6. Hexagon (m&h)
    • 4100 Series: m&h 41.00
    • 61.00 Series: m&h 61.00-PP
    • 78.00 Series: m&h 78.00-LTS
    • Microset Series: VIO linear tool presetter, UNO smart, UNO premium
    • BK Mikro Series: BK Mikro9, BK Mikro8
    • EWA Series: EWA Automatic Boring Tool
  9. Nikken
    • Elbo Controlli Series: E46L, E68, E82
  10. Speroni
    • MAGIS Series: MAGIS
  11. EZset
    • EZ Series: EZset IC2, EZset IC3D
    • IC Series: IC1, IC2
  12. Omega
    • Digi-Pro Series: Digi-Pro
    • TT-1 Series: TT-1
  13. Elbo Controlli
    • E46L: Portable Tool Setter
    • E68: High-Precision Tool Setter
    • E82: Multi-Function Tool Setter

Longi Electromechanical Company specializes in the repair and maintenance of tool setters and controllers, with nearly 30 years of experience. We offer prompt repairs for various instruments and also engage in the recycling and sales of tool setters and controllers. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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Ion Pump: Principles, Brand,Applications, and Maintenance

Ion Pump: Principles, Applications, and Maintenance

I. Principles of Ion Pump

The ion pump, a special type of membrane transport protein and reversible ATP enzyme, drives specific ions across the plasma membrane against their electrochemical gradient, consuming energy derived from ATP hydrolysis. This mechanism falls under active transport and plays a crucial role in maintaining ion balance and potential difference across cell membranes.

  1. ATP Hydrolysis: The ion pump catalyzes ATP hydrolysis via its large subunit, releasing energy.
  2. Ion Transport: The hydrolysis products bind to the ion pump, inducing conformational changes that facilitate ion transport. For example, the Na-K pump transports 3 Na⁺ ions outward and 2 K⁺ ions inward per ATP hydrolyzed.
  3. Formation of Electrochemical Gradient: Continuous ion transport by the ion pump establishes a transmembrane electrochemical gradient, vital for cellular physiology.

II. Applications of Ion Pump

The ion pump finds diverse applications in biology experiments, medical treatments, and industrial vacuum technologies.

Biology Experiments:

  • In cell culture, ion pumps maintain ion balance by adjusting ion concentrations in the culture medium.
  • In electrophysiological studies, properties of ion pumps like the Na-K pump are utilized to investigate ion channels and membrane potential changes.

Industrial Vacuum Technology:

  • Sputter ion pumps generate ions through cathode discharge, which are captured upon impacting the cathode, creating a sputtering effect that continuously evacuates gases to maintain a vacuum.
  • Pre-pumping and baking are required before use to expedite gas release and enhance vacuum levels.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods for Ion Pumps

As high-precision instruments, ion pumps may encounter various faults. Below are common issues and their corresponding repair methods:

Internal Faults:

  • Worn or aged seals: Replace with new seals.
  • Blocked or damaged membranes: Clean or replace the affected membranes.
  • Filter or valve issues: Clean or replace filters and inspect/repair valves.
  • Blocked inlet: Check inlet for patency and clear any debris from inlet pipes and faucet filters.

Power Supply System Faults:

  • Inspect power plug and cable connections for proper attachment and ensure stable power voltage.

Target End Leakage or Burnout:

  • Check target end pump operation and use methods such as power plug swapping and monitoring pump body temperature to assess pump status.
  • In case of burnout, which may result from excessive plate load, attempt to restore pump function using methods like tapping.

Insufficient Vacuum:

  • Verify adequate pre-pump vacuum levels and adjust pre-pumping duration and baking temperature.
  • Check ion pump controller settings to ensure correct discharge current and voltage.

IV. Major Ion Pump Models

  1. Agilent Technologies:
    • VacIon Plus Series: VacIon Plus 20, VacIon Plus 40, VacIon Plus 55, VacIon Plus 75, VacIon Plus 150
  2. Gamma Vacuum:
    • StarCell Series: 20S, 55S, 100S, 300S
    • Titan Series: Titan 20, Titan 55, Titan 100, Titan 300
  3. Duniway Stockroom Corporation:
    • NexTorr Series: NexTorr D100-5, NexTorr D200-10
    • Standard Series: Duniway IP-20, Duniway IP-40, Duniway IP-60
  4. SAES Getters:
    • NEXTorr Series: NEXTorr D 100-5, NEXTorr D 200-10, NEXTorr Z 200-10
    • CapaciTorr Series: CapaciTorr D 200, CapaciTorr D 400
  5. Varian:
    • StarCell Series: 20 StarCell, 40 StarCell, 55 StarCell, 75 StarCell, 150 StarCell
  6. Agilent Varian:
    • Ion Pump Controller: PCMini, IPC3, IPC6
  7. Gamma ION:
    • Classic Series: 20I, 40I, 55I, 75I, 150I
  8. TeraVac:
    • Ultra Series: 20U, 40U, 55U, 75U, 150U
  9. Pfeiffer Vacuum:
    • HiPace Series: HiPace 300, HiPace 700
    • DigiLine Series: DigiLine Pascal 2021, DigiLine Pascal 2002
  10. Riber:
    • Riber Ion Pump Series: IP 20, IP 40, IP 60

Longi Electromechanical Company specializes in the repair and maintenance of ion pumps and controllers, with nearly 30 years of experience. We offer prompt repairs for various instruments and also engage in the recycling and sales of ion pumps and controllers. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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Comprehensive Analysis of Anemometers: Working Principle, Usage, Common Faults, and Repair Guide

I. Working Principle of Anemometers

Anemometers operate primarily based on the hot-wire effect. The core component is a fine metal wire (typically made of high-melting, ductile metals such as platinum, rhodium, or tungsten) placed in a fluid and heated by an electric current to a temperature higher than the surrounding fluid. When fluid (e.g., air) flows vertically past the wire, it carries away some heat, causing the wire’s temperature to drop. According to the theory of forced convective heat transfer, there is a direct relationship between the heat lost by the wire and the fluid’s velocity. By measuring the heat loss, the fluid’s velocity can be inferred.

II. Usage of Anemometers

Preparation Stage:

  1. Check if the anemometer’s pointer is at zero; if not, gently adjust the mechanical screw to zero.
  2. Insert the measuring rod plug into the socket, position the rod vertically, and tighten the screw cap to ensure the probe is sealed.
  3. Set the “calibration switch” to the full-scale position and adjust the “full-scale adjustment” knob so that the pointer indicates full scale.

Measurement Process:

  1. Set the “calibration switch” to “zero,” then adjust the “coarse” and “fine” knobs to return the pointer to zero.
  2. Gently pull the screw cap to expose the probe and ensure the red dot on it faces the wind direction.
  3. Based on the meter reading, consult the calibration curve to obtain the measured wind speed.
  4. After measuring for a while (about 10 minutes), repeat the steps to standardize the current within the instrument.

Data Recording and Viewing:

  1. To record data, press the record button, and the anemometer will automatically save the measurements.
  2. Press the playback button to view previously measured data.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods for Anemometers

No Output:

  1. Power Issues: Check if the power cord is securely connected and measure the voltage stability.
  2. Sensor Damage: Inspect the sensing element or circuit board for damage and replace the sensor if necessary.
  3. Signal Transmission Problems: Check the signal wire connection, measure its integrity, and eliminate interference sources.

Abnormal Wind Speed Indication:

  1. Reduced Sensor Sensitivity: Recalibrate the sensor or replace it with a new one.
  2. Improper Installation: Ensure the sensor is installed in an unobstructed, vibration-free, and non-corrosive gas environment.

Stiff or Jammed Rotation:

  1. Mechanical Faults: Check the sensor’s rotating parts for debris or wear, clean or replace components as needed.
  2. Damaged Bearings: Replace damaged bearings to ensure smooth rotation.

Signal Interference:

  1. Electromagnetic Interference: Check if the signal wire is shielded and keep it away from electromagnetic interference sources.
  2. Radio Frequency Interference: Use sensors with stronger anti-interference capabilities or adjust the signal transmission method.

IV. Precautions for Using Anemometers

  1. Ensure the anemometer is correctly calibrated before use and recalibrate periodically.
  2. Avoid using the anemometer in combustible gas environments to prevent fires or explosions.
  3. Do not expose the anemometer’s probe and body to rain to prevent electric shock or fire.
  4. Clean the anemometer’s surface with soft fabric and neutral detergent; avoid using volatile liquids.
  5. Store the anemometer in a dry, ventilated, dust-free environment, away from high temperatures, humidity, and direct sunlight.
  6. Avoid subjecting the anemometer to strong impacts or vibrations to prevent damaging internal components.

V. Brands and Models of Anemometers Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Testo
    • Testo 410 Series: 410-1 (Vane Anemometer), 410-2 (Vane Anemometer with Humidity Measurement)
    • Testo 425 (Hot-Wire Anemometer)
    • Testo 440 (Multifunction Anemometer)
    • Testo 480 (Professional Environmental Tester for Multiple Sensors)
  2. Kestrel
    • Kestrel 5000 Series: 5100 (Wind Speed and Air Flow Meter), 5200 (Professional Weather Station with Environmental Measurement)
    • Kestrel 1000 (Portable Anemometer)
    • Kestrel 2000 (Anemometer with Temperature Measurement)
  3. Extech
    • AN300 (Vane Anemometer)
    • AN400 (Hot-Wire Anemometer)
    • AN500 (Air Velocity and Flow Meter)
    • HD300 (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Data Logging)
  4. Davis Instruments
    • Vantage Pro2 (Wireless Weather Station with Wind Speed Measurement)
    • Vantage Vue (Wireless Weather Station with Portable Design)
    • Anemometer (Professional Wind Speed Sensor)
  5. Kanomax
    • 6006 (Hot-Wire Anemometer)
    • 6803 (Multifunction Anemometer with Data Logging)
    • 6810 (Vane Anemometer)
  6. TSI
    • 9535 (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Data Logging)
    • 9545 (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Temperature and Humidity Measurement)
    • 5725 (Portable Anemometer)
  7. Omega
    • HHF-SD1 (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Data Logging)
    • FMA-905 (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Temperature Measurement)
    • HHF81 (Portable Anemometer)
  8. Fluke
    • 922 (Low-Velocity Anemometer)
    • 925 (Hot-Wire Anemometer)
    • 971 (Temperature and Humidity Meter with Wind Speed Measurement)
  9. Alnor
    • EBT731 (Air Velocity and Flow Meter with Data Logging)
    • RVA801 (Portable Anemometer)
    • EBT720 (Professional Anemometer with Temperature and Humidity Measurement)
  10. Amprobe
    • TMA-21HW (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Temperature and Humidity Measurement)
    • TMA-5 (Portable Anemometer)
    • TMA-40A (Air Velocity and Flow Meter)
  11. CEM Instruments
    • DT-8894 (Vane Anemometer with Data Logging)
    • DT-618 (Hot-Wire Anemometer with Temperature and Humidity Measurement)
    • DT-318 (Portable Anemometer)
  12. La Crosse Technology
    • EA-3010U (Air Velocity and Flow Meter)
    • TX60U-IT (Wireless Anemometer)
    • WS-2310 (Wireless Weather Station with Wind Speed Measurement)
  13. PCE Instruments
    • PCE-TA 30 (Hot-Wire Anemometer)
    • PCE-009 (Portable Anemometer with Temperature Measurement)
    • PCE-AM 85 (Portable Anemometer with Humidity Measurement)
  14. Lutron
    • AM-4204 (Vane Anemometer)
    • AM-4210 (Hot-Wire Anemometer)
    • AM-4220 (Portable Anemometer)

Longi Electromechanical Company has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing anemometers and can quickly repair various instruments. Additionally, they recycle and sell used anemometers. For inquiries, please contact us.

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Displacement Sensors Explained: Working Principle, Usage, Common Faults, and Repair Guide

Displacement sensors, also known as linear sensors, are devices used to measure the position changes of objects or structures. They convert the displacement of an object relative to a reference point into electrical signals, enabling monitoring and control of position changes. Displacement sensors are widely used in industrial automation, structural monitoring, healthcare, automotive engineering, and more.

I. Working Principle of Displacement Sensors

Displacement sensors consist of a sensing element and a conversion element. The sensing element detects the position change of the measured object, while the conversion element translates this change into electrical signals or other forms of output. Based on their working principles, displacement sensors are classified into several types:

  1. Inductive Displacement Sensors: Measure position changes by detecting variations in inductance. Typically composed of a fixed coil and a movable coil, where the inductance changes as the movable coil approaches or recedes from the fixed one.
  2. Capacitive Displacement Sensors: Measure position changes by detecting variations in capacitance between two parallel plates, one of which is movable.
  3. Photoelectric Displacement Sensors: Utilize light reflection and transmission to detect position changes, using a light source, receiver, and movable reflector.
  4. Hall Effect Displacement Sensors: Rely on the Hall effect, where a magnetic field change induces a measurable voltage in a semiconductor material, indicating position changes.

II. How to Use Displacement Sensors

Using the 4000TDZ-A displacement sensor as an example, it is mainly used to measure radial and axial displacements of shafts to monitor vibrations during equipment operation. The steps for proper use are as follows:

  1. Identify the Measurement Points: Select appropriate measurement points based on equipment and vibration requirements. Measurement points should generally be along the centerline of the equipment.
  2. Install the Sensor: Fix the sensor securely at the measurement point, ensuring correct orientation and stable attachment.
  3. Connect Cables: Connect the sensor cables to the data acquisition system for transmitting the vibration data for processing.
  4. Start the Equipment: Once the equipment is running, the sensor automatically starts measuring vibrations.
  5. Data Collection and Analysis: Use the data acquisition system to gather and analyze the vibration data, adjusting and maintaining the equipment accordingly.
  6. Periodic Calibration: Regular calibration ensures accurate and reliable measurements.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods for Displacement Sensors

  1. Inaccurate Measurements:
  • Causes: Laser beam obstruction, surface reflectivity changes, ambient light interference, or electronic noise.
  • Repair: Check the laser beam path for obstructions, ensure stable reflectivity, reduce ambient light interference, and verify proper grounding of electronic devices.
  1. Unstable Measurement Values:
  • Causes: Calibration errors, temperature fluctuations, mechanical vibrations, or optical contamination (e.g., dirty lenses).
  • Repair: Check calibration certificates, ensure environmental temperature and vibration are within sensor specifications, and clean lenses regularly.
  1. No Signal Output:
  • Causes: Damaged cables, loose connections, communication protocol mismatch, or power issues.
  • Repair: Inspect cable integrity, secure connections, verify communication protocol and baud rate settings, and ensure stable power supply.
  1. Sensor Damage:
  • Causes: Accidental impact, overuse, or improper installation.
  • Repair: Inspect the sensor casing for cracks or deformation, ensure proper installation to avoid external force damage, and use suitable mounting accessories for stability.

IV. Conclusion

Displacement sensors play a vital role in various industries. Understanding their working principles, mastering correct usage methods, and diagnosing common faults is crucial for ensuring the accuracy of measurement data and the safe operation of equipment. Regular calibration and maintenance of sensors are essential for maintaining performance and accuracy.

V. Displacement Sensors Repaired by Longi Electromechanical – Brands and Models

Rongji Electromechanical has extensive experience in repairing various brands and models of displacement sensors, including:

  1. Keyence:
  • LVDT Series:
  • GT2 Series: GT2-A12, GT2-A32, GT2-H12, GT2-H32
  • GT-7000 Series: GT-701, GT-703, GT-706
  • Laser Displacement Sensors:
  • LK-G5000 Series: LK-G502, LK-G507, LK-G508
  • IL Series: IL-030, IL-065, IL-100
  1. Micro-Epsilon:
  • Eddy Current Displacement Sensors:
    • eddyNCDT 3001: EDS-05, EDS-10
    • eddyNCDT 3100: EDS-18, EDS-28
  • Laser Displacement Sensors:
    • optoNCDT 1420: ILD1420-10, ILD1420-200
    • optoNCDT 2300: ILD2300-2, ILD2300-10
  1. SICK:
  • OD Precision Series:
    • OD2-P20W10 (10mm measuring range)
    • OD2-P30W15 (15mm measuring range)
  • OD Value Series:
    • OD2-B160 (60mm measuring range)
    • OD2-B210 (100mm measuring range)
  1. Omron:
  • ZX2 Series: ZX2-LD50, ZX2-LD100
  • ZX-E Series: ZX-E010, ZX-E025
  • LVDT Series:
  • E2E-X Series: E2E-X5ME1, E2E-X8ME1
  1. Baumer:
  • Eddy Current Displacement Sensors:
    • WFM Series: IWFM 12P1701/S35A, IWFM 18P1701/S35A
  • Laser Displacement Sensors:
    • OADM Series: OADM 12I6440/S14F, OADM 20I4470/S14F
  1. Banner Engineering:
  • Laser Displacement Sensors:
    • L-GAGE LE Series: LE250, LE550
  • Ultrasonic Displacement Sensors:
    • T30UX Series: T30UX1, T30UX2
  1. HBM (Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik):
  • Eddy Current Displacement Sensors:
    • C2/C3 Series: C2-100, C2-200
    • WPS Series: WPS-100, WPS-200
  • Laser Displacement Sensors:
    • T100 Series: T100-100, T100-200
  1. Novotechnik:
  • Rotary Displacement Sensors:
    • RFC4800 Series: RFC4800-6, RFC4800-8
    • RFX6900 Series: RFX6900-6, RFX6900-8
  • Linear Displacement Sensors:
    • LWH Series: LWH-100, LWH-200
    • TR Series: TR-100, TR-200
  1. Lion Precision:
  • Capacitive Displacement Sensors:
    • CPL190 Series: CPL190-5, CPL190-10
    • CPL490 Series: CPL490-20, CPL490-50
  • Eddy Current Displacement Sensors:
    • ECL101 Series: ECL101-5, ECL101-10
    • ECL150 Series: ECL150-20, ECL150-50
  1. Kaman Precision Products:
  • Eddy Current Displacement Sensors:
    • KD-2306 Series: KD-2306-5, KD-2306-10
    • KD-5100 Series: KD-5100-20, KD-5100-50
  • Capacitive Displacement Sensors:
    • DIT-5200 Series: DIT-5200-5, DIT-5200-10
    • DIT-5300 Series: DIT-5300-20, DIT-5300-50
  1. OMEGA Engineering:
  • LVDT Series:
    • LD610 Series: LD610-50, LD610-100
    • LD620 Series: LD620-200, LD620-300
  • Laser Displacement Sensors:
    • LD702 Series: LD702-50, LD702-100
    • LD752 Series: LD752-200, LD752-300
  1. Solartron Metrology:
  • Orbit ACS Series:
    • D6P (6mm displacement)
    • D10P (10mm displacement)
  1. Linear Displacement Sensors Series:
  • DP/2S: 2mm displacement
  • DP/10S: 10mm displacement



  • Magnetostrictive Displacement Sensors:
    • BIL Series: BIL PA0, BIL SA1
  • Inductive Displacement Sensors:
    • BES Series: BES 516-100, BES 517-105
  • Optical Displacement Sensors:
    • BOH Series: BOH 0012, BOH 0025

Longi Electromechanical has 30 years of experience in repairing and troubleshooting displacement sensors and other industrial components. In addition to repairs, the company also provides purchasing and sales services for second-hand displacement sensors. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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Turbidity Analyzer: Working Principle, Usage, Common Faults, and Repair Guide – Online Low-Range Turbidity Analyzer

I. Introduction

The turbidity analyzer is a precision instrument specifically designed to measure the turbidity of liquids. It finds wide applications in drinking water testing, industrial production, wastewater treatment, beverage production, and laboratory research. By measuring the degree of light scattering caused by insoluble particles in the liquid, it assesses the clarity of the liquid, providing crucial data support for water quality safety and product quality control.

II. Working Principle

The turbidity analyzer operates based on the principle of light scattering. When a beam of light passes through a liquid containing suspended particles, these particles scatter the light. The intensity of scattered light is proportional to the concentration of particles in the liquid. The analyzer emits a beam of light into the sample and calculates the turbidity by measuring the intensity of scattered light. Depending on the measurement principle, turbidity analyzers can be divided into two types: scattering method and transmission method.

  • Scattering Method: Calculates turbidity by measuring the intensity of scattered light at a certain angle (e.g., 90°) to the incident light. Suitable for measuring low-turbidity water samples.
  • Transmission Method: Calculates turbidity by measuring the degree of attenuation of light after it passes through the water sample (i.e., the ratio of transmitted light intensity to incident light intensity). Suitable for measuring high-turbidity water samples.

III. Usage


  1. Remove the instrument from the packaging box and place it on a horizontal and stable workbench.
  2. Check if all parts of the instrument are intact. Clean the water tank and fill it with pure or deionized water to the top.
  3. Clean the glass cuvette to ensure it is clean and stain-free.

Instrument Calibration:

  1. Preheat the instrument for 10 minutes.
  2. Use a turbidity standard plate for calibration to ensure that the displayed reading matches the factory calibrated value of the standard plate.

Sample Measurement:

  1. Add water with zero turbidity to the cuvette as a blank control and adjust the instrument to zero.
  2. Add the sample to be tested to the cuvette, ensuring no bubbles or residue on the cuvette walls.
  3. Place the cuvette into the instrument, and the displayed value is the turbidity value (NTU) of the tested liquid.

Data Processing:

  1. Record the measurement results as needed for data processing and analysis.

IV. Common Faults and Repair Methods

Power Issues:

  • Fault Phenomenon: The power light is not on.
  • Repair Method: Check if the power plug is securely inserted and if the socket is well-contacted. If the power is confirmed to be normal, the fuse may have blown and needs to be replaced.

Unstable Readings:

  • Fault Phenomenon: The measured readings fluctuate greatly.
  • Repair Method: Check if there are bubbles in the sample and wait for them to dissipate before measuring. Check if there is water or residue inside or outside the cuvette and dry it with filter paper. Confirm if the solution temperature is too high and wait for it to cool before measuring.

Large Measurement Errors:

  • Fault Phenomenon: The measured results deviate significantly from expectations.
  • Repair Method: Recalibrate the instrument, ensuring the standard plate is clean and stain-free. Check if the cuvette matches the current range. Confirm if the sample meets the measurement requirements, avoiding contamination or evaporation.

Sensor Faults:

  • Fault Phenomenon: The instrument does not work properly or displays abnormalities.
  • Repair Method: Check if the sensor is correctly connected and not damaged. Clean the sensor surface to remove stains or adherents. If the sensor is severely damaged, it needs to be replaced.

Software or Setting Issues:

  • Fault Phenomenon: The instrument’s operation interface is abnormal or parameters cannot be set.
  • Repair Method: Refer to the user manual to confirm if the software version is compatible. Check if the settings are correct and adjust them according to the manual. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer or supplier for technical support.

V. Brands and Models of Turbidity Analyzers Repaired by Rongji Electromechanical Company

  1. Hach
    • 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter
    • 2100N Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • TL23 Series Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • TU5200 Laboratory Laser Turbidimeter
    • TU5300 Online Laser Turbidimeter
    • TU5400 Online Laser Turbidimeter
    • Online Low-Range Turbidity Analyzer SC200
  2. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • Orion AQ4500 Turbidimeter
    • Orion AQ3010 Portable Turbidimeter
    • Orion AQ4000 Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • Orion AQ3700 Portable Turbidimeter
  3. YSI (a Xylem brand)
    • TSS Portable Turbidimeter
    • P700 IQ Online Turbidimeter
    • 9500 Turbidity Meter
    • 9300 Portable Turbidimeter
  4. LaMotte
    • 2020we Portable Turbidimeter
    • 2020wi Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • 2020t Turbidity Meter
  5. Hanna Instruments
    • HI98703 Portable Turbidity Meter
    • HI88703 Laboratory Turbidity Meter
    • HI88713 EPA Compliant Turbidity Meter
    • HI98713 Portable Turbidity Meter
  6. WTW (a Xylem brand)
    • Turb 430 IR Portable Turbidimeter
    • Turb 355 IR/T Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • Turb 555 IR Benchtop Turbidimeter
  7. Lovibond (Tintometer)
    • TB 210 IR Portable Turbidimeter
    • TB 300 IR Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • TB 350 WL/IR Benchtop Turbidimeter
  8. Apera Instruments
    • TN400 Portable Turbidimeter
    • TN500 Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • TN600 Online Turbidimeter
  9. Eutech Instruments (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
    • TN-100 Portable Turbidimeter
    • TN-200 Laboratory Turbidimeter
    • TN-1000 Laboratory Turbidimeter
  10. Hach Ultra (formerly Anatel)
    • ANATEL PAT700
    • ANATEL PAT800
  11. Merck Millipore
    • Spectroquant Turb® 430 IR Portable Turbidimeter
    • Spectroquant Turb® 550 Laboratory Turbidimeter
  12. Extech Instruments
    • TB400 Portable Turbidity Meter
    • TB400-LAB Laboratory Turbidity Meter
  13. Palintest
    • Compact Turbimeter
    • PT 600 Series Laboratory Turbidimeter
  14. Horiba
    • LAQUA T-300 Portable Turbidity Meter
    • U-50 Series Multiparameter Meter
  15. Met One Instruments
    • 202-5 Portable Turbidimeter
    • Hach Ultra 2500 Laboratory Turbidimeter

VI. Conclusion

The turbidity analyzer is an important water quality testing device that works based on the principle of light scattering. During usage, strict adherence to the instructions and proper maintenance are essential to ensure the accuracy of measurement results and the long-term stable operation of the instrument. For common faults, users can troubleshoot and address them according to the aforementioned repair methods. If necessary, technical support from Rongji Electromechanical Company can be sought. Rongji Electromechanical Company has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing turbidity analyzers (online turbidity analyzers) and can quickly repair various types of instruments. Additionally, they recycle and sell various used turbidity analyzers (online turbidity analyzers). For more information, please contact us.

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Programmable DC Power Supply: Principles, Usage, Brand,Troubleshooting, and Models Serviced

I. Principles of Programmable DC Power Supply

Programmable DC power supplies are advanced power equipment integrating control circuits, power conversion circuits, and switching regulator circuits. They feature high precision, strong stability, and high programmability. By utilizing digital control methods, these power supplies precisely regulate output voltage and current, making them widely applicable in scientific research, industrial production, and communication fields.

Core Components:

  • Power Module: Converts input AC to stable DC for load use, involving rectification, filtering, and voltage regulation.
  • Control System: Utilizes DSP and microcontrollers to receive user inputs or programming instructions, precisely adjusting the output parameters of the power module to ensure stable output voltage and current.

II. Usage of Programmable DC Power Supply

When using a programmable DC power supply, follow these steps:

  1. Connect Power: Properly connect the power supply to an AC power socket and ensure stable power lines.
  2. Set Parameters: Use the device’s control panel or software interface to set the required output voltage and current parameters, adjusting them to meet the experimental needs of the tested equipment.
  3. Connect Load: Use output cables to connect the power supply to the electronic device under test, ensuring a secure connection to avoid voltage drops.
  4. Start Power Supply: Press the start button to begin outputting voltage and current. Monitor and adjust output parameters as needed during operation.
  5. Experiment & Testing: Observe the reaction and performance of the tested device, adjusting the output voltage and current as necessary to ensure stable operation during the experiment.
  6. Turn Off Power: After the experiment or test, promptly turn off the power supply and disconnect it from the tested device.

III. Troubleshooting and Repair Methods for Programmable DC Power Supplies

Programmable DC power supplies may encounter various faults during use. Here are some common faults and their repair methods:

  • No Output Voltage:
    • Check if the power switch is on.
    • Ensure reliable connection between the input power and input terminals.
    • Check if the DC power supply is in overload protection mode.
  • Unstable Output Voltage:
    • Check and stabilize the input voltage within a reasonable range.
    • Consider paralleling TVS or Zener diodes at the input if there is interfering voltage.
    • Check for load overload or short circuit, and adjust or replace the corresponding external circuit.
  • Excessive Output Ripple Noise:
    • Adjust or optimize the power supply design as needed, such as increasing filter capacitors.
  • Sudden Power Shutdown:
    • Check if the display is on to confirm power supply operation.
    • Inspect the input circuit for sparking or load overload/short circuit, which may cause the input control switch to trip. If tripped, disconnect the load and wait 1-2 minutes before attempting to restart.
  • Fluctuating Output Voltage:
    • Check if the DC power supply is operating overloaded and remove excess load.
    • Ensure secure and reliable connections between input/output terminals and wires.
  • Inability to Increase No-Load Voltage or Adjust Output Voltage in Constant Current Mode:
    • Ensure the “current adjustment” is not set to zero and understand the concepts of “constant voltage” and “constant current” for proper adjustment.

IV. Models of Programmable DC Power Supplies Serviced by Longi Electromechanical

1. Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent Technologies):

  • N8900 Series: N8920A (20 kW), N8937A (15 kW)
  • N6700 Series: N6705C (600W modular DC power supply), N6702C (400W modular DC power supply)
  • B2900A Series: B2912A precision power supply

2. Tektronix:

  • Keithley Series: 2260B-800-1 (800V, 1.44kW), 2230G-30-1 (3-channel programmable power supply)
  • PA1000 Series: PA1000 (single-channel power analyzer)

3. Rohde & Schwarz:

  • HMP Series: HMP4040 (4-channel programmable power supply), HMP2020 (2-channel programmable power supply)
  • NGA100 Series: NGA142 (2-channel, 200W), NGA102 (single-channel, 80W)

4. Chroma:

  • 62000D Series: 62012D-600-8 (600V, 8A, 1200W), 62006D-1000-6 (1000V, 6A, 600W)
  • 62000P Series: 62024P-40-120 (40V, 120A, 2400W), 62012P-600-8 (600V, 8A, 1200W)

5. TDK-Lambda:

  • GENESYS Series: GEN60-25 (60V, 25A), GEN150-10 (150V, 10A)
  • Z+ Series: Z+200-5 (200V, 5A), Z+400-3.3 (400V, 3.3A)

6. Sorensen (AMETEK Programmable Power):

  • SGX Series: SGX60-500 (60V, 500A), SGX150-300 (150V, 300A)
  • XG Series: XG 170-12.5 (170V, 12.5A), XG 60-40 (60V, 40A)

7. GW Instek:

  • PSW Series: PSW 80-13.5 (80V, 13.5A), PSW 160-7.2 (160V, 7.2A)
  • GPP Series: GPP-6030 (60V, 3A), GPP-4323 (32V, 3A)

8. Aim-TTi:

  • PLH Series: PLH250-P (250V, 1A), PLH120-P (120V, 1.5A)
  • QPX Series: QPX600DP (600V, 1.2A), QPX1200SP (60V, 50A)

9. BK Precision:

  • 9200 Series: 9201 (60V, 5A), 9205 (250V, 2A)
  • 8500 Series: 8512 (60V, 60A, 1200W), 8514 (500V, 15A, 3000W)

10. Rigol:

  • DP800 Series: DP832 (30V, 3A), DP831A (30V, 3A)
  • DP2000 Series: DP2116A (160V, 20A), DP2216A (160V, 20A)

11. EA Elektro-Automatik:

  • PSI 9000 Series: PSI 9200-120-30 (120V, 30A), PSI 9360-48-180 (48V, 180A)
  • ELR 9000 Series: ELR 9080-170-160 (80V, 160A), ELR 9210-30-75 (210V, 75A)

12. TDK-LAMBDA (Japan):

  • ZUP Series: Various models including ZUP6-33, ZUP10-20, etc.
  • GENESYS+™ Series
  • GEN Series: Various models including GEN80-65, GEN100-50, etc.
  • GH Series: GH40-38


  • DLC Series: DLC6000, DLC5000

Longi Electromechanical Company specializes in the long-term maintenance of programmable DC power supplies (including Leman power supplies and other DC power supplies), with nearly 30 years of experience in repairs, enabling us to quickly repair various instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell various types of used programmable DC power supplies (including Leman power supplies and other DC power supplies). Welcome to consult us.

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Gauss Meter (Magnetic Field Meter) Comprehensive Analysis: Principles, Brand,Usage, Common Faults, and Repair Methods

Gauss Meter (Magnetic Field Meter) Comprehensive Analysis: Principles, Usage, Common Faults, and Repair Methods

I. Overview of Gauss Meter

The Gauss Meter, also known as a magnetic field meter, is a precision instrument used to measure the intensity of magnetic fields. Based on the Hall effect or Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, it can measure the static or dynamic (AC) magnetic induction intensity of an object at a single point in space. Widely applied in magnetic material production, metrological testing, machinery manufacturing, and scientific research in universities, it is an indispensable tool in magnetic measurements.

II. Principles of Gauss Meter

  1. Hall Effect PrincipleThe Gauss Meter primarily measures magnetic field intensity through the Hall effect. When a current-carrying conductor (Hall element) is placed in a magnetic field, an electric potential difference (Hall voltage) is generated in the direction perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the current. By measuring the Hall voltage and combining it with the known Hall coefficient, the magnitude of the magnetic induction intensity can be calculated.
  2. Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic InductionSome Gauss Meters also adopt Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction as the measurement principle. When a conductor coil is placed in a magnetic field, an induced electromotive force is generated within the coil, which is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field and the number of coil turns. By measuring the induced electromotive force, the magnetic field intensity can also be determined.

III. Usage of Gauss Meter

  • Power On and Calibration: Press the POWER button to turn on the instrument and perform zero calibration as needed to ensure measurement accuracy.
  • Select Range: Choose the appropriate measurement range through buttons or menus to accommodate different magnetic field intensity ranges.
  • Measurement Operation: Place the Hall probe in the magnetic field to be measured, ensuring that the probe direction is perpendicular to the magnetic field direction for the most accurate results.
  • Read Data: The measurement instrument will display the current magnetic induction intensity value, typically in Gauss (Gs) or millitesla (mT).

IV. Common Faults and Repair Methods of Gauss Meter

  1. Common Faults
    • Power Issues: Incorrect power connection or unstable voltage may cause the instrument to malfunction.
    • Sensor Failure: As the core component, damage or aging of the Hall sensor can affect measurement accuracy.
    • Circuit Connection Problems: Loose or damaged connection lines between the probe and the main unit may result in poor signal transmission.
    • Calibration Deviation: Long-term use may lead to changes in instrument calibration, causing inaccurate measurement results.
  2. Repair Methods
    • Check Power: Ensure correct power connection and stable voltage. If necessary, replace the power adapter or battery.
    • Replace Sensor: If the sensor is damaged, contact the manufacturer or professional repair personnel for replacement.
    • Check Circuit Connections: Regularly inspect circuit connections for firmness and repair or replace any loose or damaged connections promptly.
    • Recalibrate: Periodically calibrate the instrument to ensure measurement accuracy. Refer to the instrument manual or contact a professional for guidance on the calibration process.

V. Brands and Specifications of Gauss Meters Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Lake Shore Cryotronics
    • Model 425 Gaussmeter: High-precision benchtop magnetic field meter
    • Model 455 Gaussmeter: High-performance digital magnetic field meter
    • Model 475 DSP Gaussmeter: High-precision digital signal processing magnetic field meter
    • Model 475-HP: High-field magnetic field meter
  2. AlphaLab Inc.
    • GM2 Gaussmeter: High-precision magnetic field meter
    • VGM Gaussmeter: Vector magnetic field meter
    • TriField® Meter: Multi-function magnetic field meter
  3. FW Bell (now Oersted Technology)
    • Model 5180: Handheld Gaussmeter
    • Model 5180F: Handheld Gaussmeter with filtering function
    • Model 6010: Benchtop Gaussmeter
    • Model 9900: Benchtop digital Gaussmeter
  4. Brockhaus Messtechnik
    • MPG 200 D: Digital magnetic field meter
    • FMG 20: High-precision magnetic field meter
  5. Hirst Magnetic Instruments
    • GM08: Handheld Gaussmeter
    • GM05: Handheld Gaussmeter with USB interface
    • GM04: Portable Gaussmeter
  6. Holmarc
    • GMS-07 Gaussmeter: High-precision magnetic field meter
    • GMS-06 Gaussmeter: Laboratory Gaussmeter
    • H3A Hall Probe: High-precision 3D magnetic field meter
    • MAGNETO M3D: 3D magnetic field measurement system
  8. Metrolab Technology
    • PT2026: High-precision magnetic field meter
    • THM1176: Handheld 3D magnetic field meter
    • THM1176-HF: High-frequency magnetic field meter
  9. Magnetic Instrumentation
    • Model 1080 Gaussmeter: High-precision digital Gaussmeter
    • Model 1100 Gaussmeter: High-precision handheld Gaussmeter
  10. Walker Scientific
    • MG-3D Gaussmeter: 3D magnetic field meter
    • MG-1 Gaussmeter: High-precision magnetic field meter
  11. Teslameter
    • Model FM302: Handheld Gaussmeter
    • Model FM203: High-precision digital Gaussmeter
    • TM-701: Handheld Gaussmeter
    • TM-801: Digital Gaussmeter
  13. Goudsmit Magnetics
    • GM Gaussmeter: High-precision digital Gaussmeter
    • PM Gaussmeter: Portable Gaussmeter
  14. Oersted Technology (FW Bell)
    • FH 51: Handheld Gaussmeter
    • FH 55: High-precision handheld Gaussmeter
  15. Magneview
    • GV-MA: Handheld Gaussmeter
    • GV-DIGI: Digital Gaussmeter
  16. Hach Polymetron: 9610sc

Longi Electromechanical has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing Gauss Meters and can quickly repair various instruments. Additionally, we buy and sell used Gauss Meters. Please feel free to contact us for more information.