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In-depth Analysis and Solution for FAULT 5681 on ABB ACS580 Series Inverters

The ABB ACS580 series inverters are crucial components in industrial automation, renowned for their efficiency and reliability. However, users may encounter various faults during operation, with FAULT 5681 being a particularly common one related to communication issues. This article provides an in-depth analysis of FAULT 5681, specifically addressing the differences between PS communication and PU communication, as well as the impact of parameter 95.04 on this fault, and offers detailed solutions.

Overview of FAULT 5681

FAULT 5681 indicates a communication error detected between the drive control unit and the power unit, preventing the device from functioning properly. Notably, while the manual may refer to “PU communication issues,” the operator panel might display “PS communication issues,” leading to confusion. In reality, PS communication and PU communication represent two distinct communication protocols and interfaces in ABB inverters.

  • PS Communication: Utilizes a serial communication interface (RS485) for point-to-point communication, suitable for smaller systems with its simplicity and directness.
  • PU Communication: Based on TCP/IP protocol and Ethernet interface, PU communication caters to larger systems, offering higher flexibility and scalability.
ACS580 normal working status display

Fault Analysis

  1. Misunderstanding of Communication Types: Users must clarify that the “PS communication issues” displayed on the operator panel do not equate to “PU communication issues” mentioned in the manual. FAULT 5681 specifically refers to issues within PS communication.
  2. Control Unit Power Supply: Parameter 95.04 governs the power supply method (internal 24V or external 24V) for the control unit. Instability or incorrect settings can directly affect communication stability, triggering FAULT 5681.
  3. Communication Line Faults: Improper connections, shorts, or opens in the RS485 communication lines can interrupt communication.
  4. Power Unit Failure: Damage to the power unit itself may prevent the control unit from detecting its status, leading to communication faults.


  1. Clarify Communication Types:
    • Confirm that the fault indeed pertains to PS communication and understand the distinction between PS and PU communication to avoid confusion.
  2. Inspect and Adjust Control Unit Power Supply:
    • Check and confirm parameter 95.04 settings. For external power supply, verify the stability and connection of the external 24V power source. For internal supply, ensure the internal power module functions correctly.
    • Adjust or replace the power source if settings are incorrect or power is unstable, and restart the device to test communication recovery.
  3. Examine Communication Lines:
    • Thoroughly inspect the RS485 communication line connections, including interface plugs and line quality, ensuring no shorts, opens, or poor contacts.
    • Use a multimeter to test line continuity and replace damaged lines or connectors as needed.
  4. Verify Power Unit Status:
    • Suspect power unit failure? Use professional tools to diagnose its operation.
    • Replace or repair the power unit if damaged, coordinating with ABB service for assistance.
  5. Restart the Device:
    • After completing checks and adjustments, restart the device to restore communication. Monitor communication status changes during restart.
  6. Consult Professional Technical Support:
    • If issues persist, contact ABB’s technical support team for detailed troubleshooting and resolution strategies.


FAULT 5681, a prevalent communication issue in ABB ACS580 series inverters, stems from misunderstandings about communication types, control unit power supply issues, faulty communication lines, or power unit malfunctions. By distinguishing between PS and PU communication, inspecting and adjusting control unit power supply, thoroughly checking communication lines, verifying power unit status, timely restarting devices, and seeking professional help when needed, users can effectively resolve this fault. Prompt action ensures uninterrupted production line operations.

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Analysis and Solution for OC Alarm Code in ZONCN Inverter NZ200 Series

In industrial automation control systems, inverters serve as critical devices for power transmission control, and their stability and reliability are directly related to the continuous operation of production lines. The Zhongchen Inverter NZ200 series, as a high-performance option, may encounter specific alarm codes during operation, particularly the OC (Over-Current) alarm.

Normal display content on the operation panel when ZONCN VFD is working

For short-duration, high-current OC alarms in the NZ200 series, the primary causes generally stem from issues within the current detection circuit of the drive board or potential damage to the module itself. These alarms may recur even after a reset due to underlying issues. Typically, the root causes can be attributed to the following scenarios:

  1. Excessively Long Motor Cables: Long motor cables can introduce excessive leakage current, potentially triggering the OC alarm.
  2. Inadequate Cable Selection: Choosing marginal cable types can also result in higher leakage currents, especially under high load conditions.
  3. Loose Cable Connections and Damage: Loose cable connections or damaged cables can cause arcing effects when the load current surges, triggering the OC protection mechanism.

Recommended Solutions:

ZONCN inverter OC3 alarm
  • Inspect and Shorten Motor Cables: Review the cable length and ensure it meets the manufacturer’s recommendations. If possible, shorten the cable length to reduce leakage current.
  • Upgrade Cable Quality: Replace existing cables with higher-quality, appropriately rated ones to minimize leakage current issues.
  • Tighten Cable Connections and Check for Damage: Thoroughly inspect all cable connections for tightness and integrity. Replace any damaged cables immediately.
  • Monitor and Adjust Load Conditions: Keep track of load changes and adjust inverter settings accordingly to avoid excessive current surges.
  • Inspect and Replace Drive Board/Module: If the issue persists despite the above measures, consider replacing the drive board or entire inverter module, as the internal circuitry may have been damaged.

By addressing these potential causes and implementing preventive maintenance practices, operators can significantly reduce the likelihood of OC alarms in their Zhongchen Inverter NZ200 series, ensuring the smooth and reliable operation of their industrial automation systems.

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Analysis and Solution of INI Alarm in ZONCN VFD NZ200T

I. Analysis of INI Alarm Causes

Image of zoncn inverter displaying INI alarm
  1. Literal Interpretation of INI Alarm
    • In VFDs, the “INI” alarm likely indicates issues or errors encountered during the device’s initialization process. This can stem from various reasons, including improper parameter settings, hardware failures, firmware issues, or external device connection errors.
    • For VFDs like the NZ200T, which employs open-loop vector control, the “INI” alarm may signify the VFD’s failure to correctly complete its initialization process upon startup or reset. This could result from unsatisfied specific hardware or software conditions, leading to the interruption or failure of the initialization process.
  2. Initial Position Error
    • The INI alarm in ZONCN VFDs typically indicates an initial position error. This may occur when the VFD fails to accurately detect the motor’s initial position at startup, preventing the control program from executing subsequent commands accurately. Initial position errors can arise from various factors, including incorrect motor parameter settings, current circuit faults, or signal transmission issues.
  3. Improper Motor Parameter Settings
    • The NZ200T VFD requires accurate setting of various motor parameters, such as rated voltage, rated current, and power factor. Inaccurate settings, particularly a low rated current setting, will prevent the VFD from effectively adjusting to the motor’s actual load conditions, thereby triggering the INI alarm.
  4. Current Matching Fault or Signal Transmission Issue
    • The NZ200T VFD operates in open-loop vector control mode, necessitating precise current detection for accurate model analysis. Damage to the current transformer or issues with the signal transmission lines, such as poor contact or signal interference, will affect the VFD’s accurate determination of the motor’s position, subsequently triggering the INI alarm.
  5. Control Mode Mismatch
    • The NZ200T VFD is designed for use with synchronous motors. When connected to a standard asynchronous motor or if the control mode is not correctly set, the INI alarm may also appear. This is because different types of motors exhibit distinct operational characteristics and control requirements, necessitating corresponding adjustments to the VFD’s control strategy based on the motor type.

II. Solutions

  1. Recheck Motor Parameters
    • Firstly, carefully verify the settings of all motor parameters, ensuring consistency with the data on the motor’s nameplate. Pay particular attention to key parameters such as rated current, which should be set according to the motor’s actual specifications to avoid INI alarms caused by improper parameter settings.
  2. Inspect Current Transformer and Signal Transmission Lines
    • Check the current transformer for damage or looseness, and replace it if necessary. Simultaneously, inspect the connection of the current transformer’s signal transmission lines to ensure good contact and absence of signal interference. If aged or damaged lines are found, promptly replace them with new ones.
  3. Adjust Control Mode
    • If the NZ200T VFD is connected to a standard asynchronous motor, adjust the control mode to V/F control mode. Refer to the VFD user manual for specific setting methods: set parameter P0-02 to 2 and P1-04 to 50 (V/F control). This allows the VFD to directly control the standard asynchronous motor by adjusting the frequency for speed regulation, without altering other parameters. Additionally, ensure that the VFD’s software version matches the motor type to avoid control issues due to software incompatibility.
  4. Seek Professional Technical Support
    • If the above methods fail to resolve the INI alarm issue, it is recommended to contact longi’s technical support team or professional maintenance personnel for fault troubleshooting and repair. When contacting technical support, provide a detailed description of the equipment’s operating environment, operation process, and alarm phenomena to enable technicians to quickly identify the problem and provide solutions.

In summary, the causes of INI alarms in the NZ200T VFD are diverse and require case-by-case investigation and resolution. By reasonably setting parameters, regularly inspecting equipment status, and seeking professional technical support, the incidence of INI alarms can be effectively reduced, ensuring stable equipment operation.

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Cause Analysis and Troubleshooting of ACS580 Inverter Warnings A581 and FAULT 5080

Cause Analysis

The ACS580 inverter may encounter warnings such as A581 (AUX code 0000 0001 Coolingyou fan stuck or disconnected) or FAULT 5080 (fan failure) during operation. These errors are closely related to the inverter’s cooling fan system.

Warning A581: This warning indicates that the auxiliary cooling fan of the inverter may be stuck or disconnected. When the fan speed is insufficient or has completely stopped, the system fails to receive normal tachometer pulse feedback, triggering this warning. Although the inverter may temporarily continue to operate in warning mode, prolonged operation can potentially cause further damage to the equipment.

FAULT 5080: This is a more severe error, indicating that the cooling fan has completely stopped working and is not outputting any tachometer pulse signals. This typically implies that the fan motor is damaged, the power line is disconnected, or the control signal is lost, causing the inverter to be unable to cool effectively. This can lead to overheating and direct shutdown to protect the equipment from further damage.


To address the A581 and FAULT 5080 issues with the ACS580 inverter, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Auxiliary Codes:
    • Begin by identifying the affected fan based on the auxiliary code in the alarm message (e.g., AUX code 0000 0001 for A581). Code 0 usually indicates the main fan 1, while XYZ-formatted codes can further indicate the fan’s status and index.
  2. Inspect Fan Operation:
    • Visually inspect the fan’s physical operation to confirm whether it is spinning. If the fan is not rotating, check the power lines for secure connections, absence of shorts or breaks.
  3. Measure Tachometer Pulses:
    • Use an oscilloscope or tachometer to measure the fan’s tachometer pulse signal. Under normal conditions, the signal should be stable and at an appropriate frequency. Weak or unstable signals may indicate issues with the fan motor or sensor.
  4. Verify Power and Control Wiring:
    • Ensure the fan’s power and control wiring are connected correctly, without damage or poor contact. Check fuses and relays for proper functioning and stable power supply.
  5. Replace Faulty Fan:
    • If the fan is confirmed faulty, promptly replace it with a new one. During replacement, ensure the fan’s model and specifications match the original equipment, and install and wire it correctly.
  6. Cleaning and Maintenance:
    • Regularly clean and maintain the inverter and its cooling system, removing dust and debris to keep air passages clear and enhance cooling efficiency.
  7. Software Settings Review:
    • Access the inverter’s setup interface to review settings related to fan control. Ensure all control logic and alarm thresholds are configured correctly, avoiding unnecessary shutdowns due to false alarms.
  8. Contact Technical Support:
    • If the above steps fail to resolve the issue, promptly contact Longi’s technical support team or professional service personnel for specialized assistance and solutions.

In conclusion, by methodically troubleshooting and diligently maintaining the ACS580 inverter, potential issues causing warnings A581 and FAULT 5080 can be effectively identified and resolved, ensuring the stable operation of the inverter.

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User Guide for Great Inverter VC8000 Series

I. Operation Panel Functions and Instructions

The operation panel of the Great Inverter VC8000 series serves as the primary interface for user interaction with the inverter. It mainly consists of a display area and functional keys. Below are the main functions of the operation panel:

Schematic diagram of Greet VFD VC8000 series operation panel
  1. Display Area
    • Digital Display: Shows the current working status, frequency setting value, operating parameters, and other information of the inverter.
    • Function Indicators:
      • FWD/REV: Forward/Reverse indicator. Light off indicates forward operation, light on indicates reverse operation.
      • RUN: Running indicator. Light off indicates stop, light on indicates running.
      • LOCAL/REMOT: Command source indicator. Light off indicates panel control, light on indicates terminal control, flashing indicates communication control.
      • TUNE/TC: Tuning/Torque Control/Fault indicator. Light off indicates normal operation, light on indicates torque control, slow flashing indicates tuning status, fast flashing indicates fault status.
  2. Functional Keys
    • PRG/Programming: Enters or exits the menu for parameter modification.
    • ENTER/Confirm: Enters the menu, confirms parameter settings.
    • ▲ Increment: Increments data or function codes.
    • ▼ Decrement: Decrements data or function codes.
    • < Shift: Selects parameter modification digits and display content.
    • RUN/Run: Starts the inverter.
    • STOP/RESET: Stops or resets the inverter.
    • MF/Multi-Function: Multi-function selection key, with specific functions determined by the P7-01 function code.

II. Wiring Instructions for Terminal Start/Stop and Potentiometer Debugging

Gelite VFD VC8000 series terminal wiring diagram
  1. Wiring Instructions
    • Start/Stop Control Wiring:
      • Start Terminal: Typically, the start signal is connected to DI1 (or another specified digital input terminal) and configured as a forward running command (e.g., P4-00=1).
      • Stop Terminal: Connected to DI2 (or another specified digital input terminal) and configured as a fault reset or stop command (e.g., P4-01=9).
    • Potentiometer Debugging Wiring:
      • If an external potentiometer is used for frequency adjustment, connect +10V and GND to the power terminals of the potentiometer, and connect the center tap to AI1 (analog input 1).
  2. Parameter Settings
    • To meet control requirements, set the following parameters:
      • P4-00: Set DI1 as the forward running command (e.g., set to 1).
      • P4-01: Set DI2 function according to needs, typically as fault reset or stop command.
      • AI1-related Parameters: Ensure AI1 is configured to receive frequency settings (e.g., set P0-03 to AI1).
      • Other Necessary Parameters: Set relevant parameters in P0 group (basic function parameters), P2 group (vector control parameters), etc., according to specific needs.

III. Fault Code Analysis and Solutions

When faults occur in the Gelite Inverter VC8000 series, fault codes prefixed with “ERR” will be displayed. Below are analyses and solutions for some common fault codes:

  1. ERR01 – Inverter Unit Protection
    • Cause: May be due to inverter overheating, short circuit, or drive board failure.
    • Solution: Check if the inverter module is overheating, check for short circuits in the motor and cables, and if the problem persists, contact the manufacturer for repair.
  2. ERR02/ERR03/ERR04 – Acceleration/Deceleration/Constant Speed Overcurrent
    • Cause: Excessive motor load, short acceleration time setting, output short circuit, etc.
    • Solution: Check the motor load, appropriately extend the acceleration time, and check for short circuits in the output circuit.
  3. ERR05 – Constant Speed Overvoltage
    • Cause: Excessive power supply voltage, abnormal braking unit, etc.
    • Solution: Check the power supply voltage and confirm if the braking unit is working normally.
  4. ERR08 – Control Power Fault
    • Cause: Abnormal control power, such as unstable voltage or power cut.
    • Solution: Check the control power supply voltage and ensure stable power supply.
  5. ERR19 – Overload
    • Cause: Motor operating under overload for an extended period.
    • Solution: Reduce the motor load and check for abnormalities in the mechanical parts.

Note: The above are only analyses and solutions for some fault codes. During actual use, please refer to the specific fault code manual for operation. For faults that cannot be resolved, please promptly contact longi technical support.

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​User Guide for Fuling VFD BD330 Series Manual

Operation Panel Key Descriptions:

Functional description of Fuling inverter BD330 operation panel
  • PRGM/ESC: Program setting and exit key. PRGM is used to enter programming mode or set parameters, while ESC is used to exit the current setting or return to the previous menu.
  • FUNCTION/DATA: Function selection and data key. FUNCTION is used to enter the function selection interface, and DATA is used to modify data values during parameter setting.
  • FORWARD/REVERSE: Forward and reverse control key. Controls the forward or reverse rotation of the motor.
  • JOG/>>: Jog and page turning key. JOG is used for jog control, and >> may be used for page turning or increasing parameter values (specific functions may vary depending on the model).
  • RUN: Run key. Controls the startup of the VFD.
  • STOP/RST: Stop and reset key. STOP is used to stop the VFD operation, and RST is used to reset the VFD and clear fault states.
  • UP/DOWN: Up and down adjustment key. Used to increase or decrease values during parameter setting.

Terminal Start/Stop and Potentiometer Debugging Wiring Instructions:

Terminal Start/Stop:

  • Parameter Setting: Ensure parameter F0.02 is set to 1, selecting terminal control mode.
  • Wiring Instructions:
    • Connect the external start signal to the S1 terminal of the VFD.
    • Short-circuit the S1 terminal with the common terminal DCM to send a start signal, causing the VFD to begin operation.
    • Disconnect the short-circuit between S1 and DCM to send a stop signal, causing the VFD to stop operation.

Potentiometer Debugging:

  • Parameter Setting: Ensure parameter F0.03 is set to 1, selecting external potentiometer speed adjustment mode.
  • Wiring Instructions:
    • Connect the center tap (sliding contact) of the potentiometer to the AVI terminal of the VFD.
    • Connect the two ends of the potentiometer to the 10V (or similar positive power supply) and ACM (or similar common terminal) of the VFD, respectively.
    • Adjust the position of the potentiometer to change the voltage value of the AVI terminal, thereby controlling the output frequency of the VFD.
Fuling inverter BD330 wiring diagram

Fault Code Analysis and Solutions:

Fault Codes:

  • E001: DC bus fault. Possible causes include abnormal input power, faulty bus capacitors, etc. Solution: Check if the power input is normal, inspect the bus capacitors for damage, and replace if necessary.
  • E002: Acceleration overvoltage. Possible causes include excessively short acceleration time, sudden load changes, etc. Solution: Adjust the acceleration time and check for load stability.
  • E003: Constant speed overvoltage. Similar to E002 but occurs during constant speed operation. Solution is the same.
  • E004: Acceleration overcurrent. Possible causes include motor stall, excessive load, etc. Solution: Inspect the motor and load conditions, reduce the load, or optimize motor operating conditions.
  • E005: Deceleration overcurrent. Possible causes include excessively short deceleration time, large load inertia, etc. Solution: Adjust the deceleration time and consider using a braking unit and braking resistor.

Please note that the above content is based on the information you provided. During actual operation, please refer to the VFD manual and related materials. If you have any questions, please contact Longi Electromechanical’s technical support or professional maintenance personnel promptly.

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ACS850 Inverter User’s Manual Overview

I. Introduction to ACS850 Inverter Features

The ABB ACS850 series inverter is a high-performance, multi-functional drive device designed specifically for industrial applications, supporting various motor types. Its key features include:

  • Extensive Power Range: Covering from 0.37 kW to 560 kW, catering to the needs of small to large-scale industrial applications.
  • High-Precision Control: Utilizing advanced control algorithms to provide precise motor control, including Direct Torque Control (DTC).
  • Modular Design: Easy to configure and expand, supporting multiple communication protocols and fieldbus interfaces.
  • Comprehensive Protection: Built-in multiple protection mechanisms to ensure stable system operation, including overcurrent, overload, and short-circuit protection.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with an intuitive control panel for easy operation and monitoring.
ACS850 inverter control framework diagram

II. Operating Instructions for ACS850 Inverter Control Panel

The control panel of the ACS850 inverter typically includes an LCD display, multiple function keys, and directional keys. While the specific key names may vary depending on the model or version of the control panel, the basic operation logic remains similar. The following are general instructions:

  • Menu Navigation: Use directional keys to move up, down, left, or right in the menu to select the desired function or parameter.
  • Parameter Setting: Enter the parameter setting menu, use directional keys to select specific parameters, and then adjust them using data increase/decrease keys.
  • Operation Control: The panel usually has clear control keys for start, stop, forward, reverse, etc., for direct control of the inverter’s operating status.
  • Display Switching: Some control panels may be equipped with dedicated keys to switch between different display modes or view alarm information.
Default control connection for ACS850 inverter factory macro

III. Configuration Guide for Terminal Control Mode

When using terminal control mode, it is necessary to select the appropriate macro configuration and set relevant parameters based on application requirements. The following are general steps:

  • Select Macro Configuration: Based on the application type (e.g., fan/pump, compressor, etc.), select the suitable macro configuration in the inverter’s parameter settings. This typically involves presetting a series of related parameters to suit specific application needs.
  • Configure Input/Output Terminals:
    • Connect external control signals (e.g., start, stop, speed setting, etc.) to the corresponding input terminals.
    • Configure output terminals as needed (e.g., fault output, operating status output, etc.).
  • Set Control Parameters:
    • Adjust relevant control parameters according to the selected macro configuration, such as acceleration time, deceleration time, PID controller parameters, etc.
    • Ensure that AI1 (or other analog input terminals) is correctly configured as the speed setting input, and set appropriate scaling factors and offsets.
  • Save Settings and Test:
    • After saving all settings, test the inverter to ensure that all control signals are working as expected.
    • Check and eliminate any potential wiring errors or incorrect parameter configurations.

IV. Fault Code Analysis and Troubleshooting

The ACS850 inverter features a fault diagnosis function that displays corresponding fault codes when a fault occurs. Based on the fault code table (usually located in a specific chapter of the manual), users can quickly identify the problem and take appropriate measures. The following are some common fault codes and their troubleshooting suggestions:

  • 0001: Overcurrent fault. Check the motor, cables, and inverter output for normality; adjust the load or increase overload protection settings.
  • 0002: DC link overvoltage fault. Check the stability of the power supply voltage; consider increasing deceleration time or installing a braking resistor.
  • 0004: Motor short-circuit fault. Check the motor windings for short-circuits; replace the motor if necessary.

Note: The above steps and suggestions are based on a general description of the ACS850 series inverter. When performing specific operations, please refer to the ACS850 firmware manual and follow the official guidance provided by ABB. For any questions or issues, it is recommended to contact Longi Electromechanical Support for professional assistance.

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Fault Analysis and Resolution of ‘INH’ Alarm on Nidec Unidrive M300 and HS30 Servo Drive

Analysis and Solution for “INH” Alarm in Nidec Unidrive M300 and HS30 Series Servo Drive

Fault Analysis

INH' Alarm on Nidec Unidrive M300 and HS30 Servo Drive
  • Safety Input Trigger:
    • The Unidrive M300 and HS30 supports various safety functions, such as Safe Torque Off (STO). Activation of safety inputs, like STO signals, will place the drive in an inhibit state, preventing unintended motor rotation.
  • Control Parameter Settings:
    • Parameter P06.015 (Drive Enable) is one of the key control parameters, used to enable or disable drive output. When P06.015 is set to 0 (disabled), the drive will be in an inhibit state.
  • External Control Signals:
    • Incorrect configuration or faults in other external control signals, such as remote control signals, may also cause the drive to enter an inhibit state.
  • Drive Faults:
    • Although uncommon, internal drive faults or software issues may also result in “INH” alarms.

Solution Methods

Detailed description of STO function
  • Check Safety Inputs:
    • Confirm that all safety inputs (e.g., STO signals) are correctly connected and in the desired state. Check if external safety devices (e.g., emergency stop buttons) have been reset.
  • Verify Control Parameters:
    • Check the setting of parameter P06.015 through the drive’s Human Machine Interface (HMI) or configuration software. Ensure the parameter is set to 1 (enabled) to allow drive output.
  • Inspect External Control Signals:
    • Verify the wiring and logic of all external control signals (e.g., remote control signals). Ensure no erroneous signals are causing the drive to enter an inhibit state.
  • Restart the Drive:
    • After confirming all configurations are correct, attempt to restart the drive. Sometimes a simple restart can resolve issues due to software hangs or communication errors.
  • View Fault Records:
    • Use the drive’s fault diagnosis function to check for any other related fault records. These records may provide additional clues leading to the “INH” alarm.
  • Contact Technical Support:
    • If the above steps fail to resolve the issue, it is recommended to contact Nidec’s technical support team for further assistance.

Special Attention to Parameter P06.015

M300 servo wiring diagram and STO external wiring
  • Pre-modification Confirmation:
    • Before modifying P06.015 or any critical control parameters, ensure an understanding of the specific role and impact of the parameter, and consult relevant documentation or technical support.
  • Safe Operation:
    • Before making any modifications, ensure the drive and motor are in a safe state to avoid unexpected start-ups or damage to the equipment.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the “INH” alarm issue on the Unidrive M300 servo drive. If the problem persists, consider seeking professional assistance from Longi Electromechanical.

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Theta VFD T8 Series User Guide

I. Procedure for Viewing and Modifying Function Codes on the T8 Series VFD Operator Panel

  1. Starting the Operator Panel:
    • After powering on the VFD, press the power button (labeled “POWER” or similar symbol) on the operator panel to activate it.
  2. Viewing and Modifying Function Codes:
    • Use the directional keys (↑↓←→) on the operator panel to select the desired function code for viewing or modification.
    • Press the “ENTER” key to enter edit mode, where you can input new parameter values using the numeric keys or view the current values.
    • After making changes, press “ENTER” again to confirm the modifications and exit edit mode.
    • Note: Access to some advanced function codes may require entering a password.
  3. Parameter Structure and Status Parameter Review and Setting:
    • VFD parameters are typically grouped, such as motor parameters (P0 group), control parameters (P1 group), and protection parameters (P2 group).
    • To review specific parameters, refer to the parameter table in the manual to find the corresponding parameter number (e.g., P0.01, P1.05) and parameter description.
    • Status parameters (e.g., current frequency, current, voltage) can be directly viewed through specific function codes, providing real-time insights into the VFD’s operating status.
Operation panel buttons and display instructions diagram

II. Explanation of Control Circuit Terminals and Wiring Methods for the T8 VFD

  1. Explanation of Control Circuit Terminals:
    • FWD/REV (Forward/Reverse Control Terminals): Connect to external buttons or switches to control the VFD’s forward and reverse rotation.
    • RUN/STOP (Run/Stop Control Terminals): Control the VFD’s start and stop functions.
    • AI1/AI2 (Analog Input Terminals): Receive analog signals from potentiometers, PLCs, etc., for frequency adjustment.
    • FAULT (Fault Output Terminal): Outputs a signal to external devices when the VFD detects a fault.
    • RUN (Run Indicator Light): Illuminates when the VFD is in the running state.
  2. Wiring Methods for the Control Circuit:
    • Connect the corresponding control signal wires to the designated terminals based on actual control requirements.
    • When using terminal start and potentiometer adjustment, ensure:
      • Analog input parameters are set correctly, including input type (voltage/current) and range.
      • The frequency setting method is selected as “Analog Input.”
      • Forward/reverse control parameters are set according to actual needs.

III. Explanation and Resolution of VFD Fault Codes

T8 inverter control circuit wiring diagram

Based on the specific instructions in the “Theta VFD T8 Series Manual,” here are some common fault codes and their resolutions:

  • OC (Overcurrent Fault): Check if the motor and load are excessively large, optimize motor parameters or load distribution; inspect motor insulation for integrity.
  • OV (Overvoltage Fault): Verify input voltage stability, use a voltage stabilizer if necessary; inspect power lines for abnormalities.
  • UV (Undervoltage Fault): Check the input power source for normalcy, troubleshoot power supply issues; inspect power lines for poor contact.
  • OH (Overheat Fault): Improve ventilation conditions, reduce ambient temperature; check for blocked heat sinks and clean dust inside the VFD.
  • EF (External Fault): Verify the normalcy of the external fault signal source; inspect the wiring of external devices for secure connections.

Please note that this content is a summary of the user guide based on select sections of the “Theta VFD T8 Series Manual.” Always refer to the original manual for detailed steps, precautions, and any additional information. For questions or further assistance, consult the manual or contact longi VFD’s technical support department.

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MotiFlex e180 Servo Drive Wiring, Debugging,manual,and Fault Handling Guide

I. Main Circuit Wiring Instructions

  1. Power Supply Wiring
    • The MotiFlex e180 servo drive supports three-phase AC power input, typically ranging from 200V to 480V AC, depending on the selected model.Before wiring, ensure the power supply is switched off and disconnected to avoid the risk of electric shock.
  2. Wiring Steps:
    • Verify that the power supply voltage and frequency meet the drive requirements.
    • Connect the three phases (L1, L2, L3) and ground wire (PE) of the power supply to the drive’s input terminals using appropriately sized cables.
    • Ensure secure cable connections and check that the cable shielding is properly grounded.
  3. Motor Wiring
    • Connect the motor cable to the drive’s motor output terminals (U, V, W), ensuring the motor ground wire (PE) is also properly connected.
    Wiring Steps:
    • Check that the motor model and rated parameters match the drive.
    • Use appropriately sized motor cables to connect the three-phase wires (U, V, W) and ground wire (PE) to the corresponding output terminals of the drive.
    • Tighten the cable connectors to ensure a reliable connection.
MotiFlex e180 servo main circuit wiring diagram

II. Control Circuit Wiring Instructions

  1. I/O Interface Description
    • The MotiFlex e180 provides a rich set of I/O interfaces, including Digital Input (DI), Digital Output (DO), Analog Input (AI), and Analog Output (AO) for communication and control with external devices or controllers.
    • DIs receive switching signals from external devices, such as start, stop, and emergency stop.
    • DOs send control signals to external devices, such as alarm output and motor running status indication.
    • AIs receive analog signals, such as speed setting and position feedback.
    • AOs output analog signals, such as drive current and voltage feedback.
  2. Control Circuit Wiring
    Wiring Steps:
    • Prepare suitable control cables, ensuring that the cable specifications and length meet the requirements.
    • Connect the control cables to the corresponding I/O interfaces according to the drive wiring diagram. Pay attention to distinguishing between inputs and outputs, as well as positive and negative polarity.
    • For digital outputs requiring external power (e.g., relay outputs), ensure that the external power specifications meet the requirements and are correctly wired.
IO Function Description and Control Circuit Wiring Diagram of ABB Server MotiFlex e180

III. Debugging MotiFlex e180 Servo Drive with Mint WorkBench

  1. Installing and Configuring Mint WorkBench
    • Download and install Mint WorkBench software: Obtain the latest version of Mint WorkBench from the ABB official website and follow the installation guide to complete the installation.
    • Connect the drive: Use an Ethernet cable to connect the computer to the MotiFlex e180’s E3 port, and configure the computer’s network adapter to ensure it is in the same subnet as the drive’s IP address.
  2. Starting and Debugging
    • Launch Mint WorkBench, create a new project, and select to connect to the MotiFlex e180 servo drive.
    • Run the debugging wizard: In Mint WorkBench, start the debugging wizard, follow the prompts to input motor and drive parameters, and proceed with automatic adjustment and performance testing.
    • Monitoring and Adjustment: Use the monitoring window to view the drive status in real-time and make manual adjustments as needed to optimize drive performance.
ABB server MotiFlex e180 status display

IV. Fault Code Analysis and Solutions

  • Error Code 10033 (ecSTO_ACTIVE): Indicates that the STO (Safe Torque Off) function is active.
    • Cause: The STO input signal is not energized.
    • Solution: Check the wiring and power supply of the STO input signal to ensure normal operation.
  • Error Code 10015 (Overcurrent Protection): Indicates that the drive has detected an overcurrent condition.
    • Cause: Excessive motor load, motor or cable short circuit, etc.
    • Solution: Inspect motor and cable connections, ensure no short circuits or overloads; adjust the load or reduce the operating speed.
  • Error Code 20006 (Axis Alarm): Indicates abnormal encoder feedback data.
    • Cause: Incorrect encoder wiring, encoder failure, or interference with the feedback signal.
    • Solution: Check encoder wiring, replace faulty encoders, or increase signal shielding measures.

By following these steps, you can effectively debug the MotiFlex e180 servo drive using Mint WorkBench and resolve common fault issues. For further questions, please contact us for a detailed manual or free technical support.