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 Leak Detector:Overview,Brand,Maintenance Guide, And Repair Services

I. Introduction

A leak detector is a device used to detect leaks in systems containing air, gases, or liquids. Its primary function is to detect leak points and measure the amount of leakage by monitoring pressure differences within the system. The working principle of a leak detector is based on pressure difference detection and measurement technology, utilizing sensors to collect pressure data and controllers to analyze the data and provide corresponding alarms or prompts.

II. Types of Leak Detectors

Leak detectors come in various types, categorized by the medium they detect and the principles and technologies they use.

  • By Medium:
    • Gas leak detectors
    • Liquid leak detectors
  • By Principle and Technology:
    • Pressure difference method: Compares the pressure difference between the object being tested and the environment.
    • Concentration change method: Detects changes in gas concentration around the object.
    • Sound or acoustic wave method: Detects specific sounds or acoustic waves produced during leakage.

III. Usage Method

  1. Power On: Ensure the leak detector is properly connected to the power source and turn it on.
  2. Initialization and Calibration: In a vacuum environment, start the vacuum pump and wait for a stable detection environment (e.g., 10 minutes). Gas leak detectors automatically calibrate upon startup to ensure accuracy.
  3. Measurement: Place the probe at the detection point and observe the numerical changes on the display. If a leak occurs, the reading will increase and may trigger an alarm.
  4. Data Analysis: Judge the leak situation and location based on the readings and analysis results displayed.

IV. Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. Instrument Unable to Start or Function Normally
    • Causes:
      • Poor power connection or damaged power cord.
      • Insufficient battery power or aged battery.
      • Faulty control panel or buttons.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Check power connection and cord integrity.
      • Check battery power and replace or recharge as needed.
      • Inspect the control panel and buttons for damage or incorrect operation.
  2. Inaccurate or False Detection Results
    • Causes:
      • Insufficient instrument precision or lack of calibration.
      • Damaged or contaminated sensors.
      • Unstable or impure gas source.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Calibrate the instrument to ensure precision.
      • Inspect sensors for damage or contamination, and clean or replace as necessary.
      • Ensure a stable and pure gas source, avoiding operations that may affect its stability.
  3. Insensitive Leak Detection
    • Causes:
      • Incorrect instrument sensitivity settings.
      • Loose connection between the probe and the object being tested.
      • Aged or damaged sensors.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Check and adjust instrument sensitivity settings.
      • Ensure a tight connection between the probe and the object.
      • Inspect sensors for aging or damage, and replace as needed.
  4. Display Fault or Abnormality
    • Causes:
      • Loose or damaged display connection cable.
      • Damaged display itself.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Check the display connection cable for security and reconnect if loose.
      • If the display remains abnormal despite a proper connection, replace the display.

V. Preventive Measures and Routine Maintenance

  • Regular Calibration: Periodically calibrate the leak detector to ensure precision and performance.
  • Keep Clean: Maintain the cleanliness and dryness of the leak detector and its accessories, protecting them from dust and moisture.
  • Proper Storage: Store unused leak detectors in a dry, ventilated place, and conduct regular inspections and maintenance.
  • Professional Training: Provide professional training for operators to ensure they can complete detection tasks correctly and swiftly, adhering to operating procedures and precautions.

VI. Brands and Models of Leak Detectors Repaired by Longi Electromechanical Company

  1. Inficon:
    • UL1000 Fab
    • UL5000
    • Protec P3000
    • HLD6000
    • LDS3000
    • Sensistor ISH2000
    • LeakHunter TGF11
  2. Pfeiffer Vacuum:
    • ASM340
    • ASM390
    • ASM310
    • ASM306S
    • ASM102S
    • Adixen ASM142
    • Adixen ASM192T2D
  3. Leybold:
    • Phoenix Quadro
    • Phoenix Magno
    • Phoenix Vario
    • Phoenix L300i
    • Phoenix L500i
    • Phoenix L1000i
  4. Agilent Technologies:
    • Varian VS Series (VS C15, VS C15AB)
    • Varian HLD Series
    • Varian Helitest
    • PHD-4
    • M12
  5. ATEQ:
    • Primus
    • Primus H2
    • F5200
    • F6200
    • F28H
  6. Edwards:
    • Spectron 5000 Series
    • Spectron 6000 Series
    • Spectron 2000 Series
    • Spectron 3000 Series
  7. Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum:
    • UL 200
    • UL 200 Helium
    • UL 1000 Fab
    • UL 1000
    • UL 500
  8. Alcatel (Adixen):
    • ASM182TD+
    • ASM310
    • ASM142
    • ASM340
    • ASM192T2D
  9. LACO Technologies:
    • AMLD-6
    • Titan VSLD
    • Titan HSLD
    • Titan ES
    • Titan ESVL

VII. Company Information

Longi Electromechanical Company has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing leak detectors and can quickly repair various instruments. We also recycle and sell used leak detectors. For more information, please contact us.

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Chromatography Instrument Maintenance Center: Principles, Usage, Brand,and Troubleshooting for Various Chromatographs

I. Introduction to Chromatography Instruments

Chromatography instruments separate and analyze mixtures based on the physicochemical properties of their components. Common types include Gas Chromatographs (GC), Online Gas Chromatographs, Liquid Chromatographs (HPLC/UPLC), Ion Chromatographs, PE Atomic Absorption Spectrometers, and Zeeman Effect Atomic Absorption Spectrometers. The core principle involves the distribution or adsorption equilibrium of substances between the stationary and mobile phases to achieve separation. After vaporization in the vaporization chamber, the sample is carried into the column by an inert gas (carrier gas, such as N2, He, etc.). Due to differences in boiling point, polarity, or adsorption properties, components in the sample exhibit different distribution or adsorption behaviors in the column, leading to varying elution times and thus separation. The separated components enter the detector, which converts the presence of sample components into electrical signals proportional to the quantity or concentration of the measured components.

II. Usage Instructions

Startup Preparation:

  • Turn on the gas generator and observe if the pressure gauges for air, hydrogen, and nitrogen reach the specified positions.
  • Turn on the chromatograph power switch and adjust the temperatures of the injector, column, and detector.

Ignition and Sample Injection:

  • When the temperatures reach the set values, ignite the detector flame and adjust the hydrogen flow rate.
  • After the signal stabilizes, quickly inject the sample from the sampling cylinder into the chromatograph using a syringe, and record the peak shape and test data.

Data Processing:

  • Repeat measurements multiple times and calculate the average to improve accuracy.
  • After the test, extinguish the flame, turn off the injector and detector, and wait for the column temperature to drop to room temperature before turning off the chromatograph power.

III. Common Faults and Troubleshooting

Injector Faults:

  • Blockage: Reinstall the injector plunger and clean with a suitable solvent.
  • Leakage: Check and replace the injector seal if aged.
  • Improper Installation: Ensure the injection needle is correctly installed on the injector plunger.

Column Faults:

  • Blockage: Disconnect the column from the detector end, check for bubbles, and attempt reverse flushing or replacement.
  • Contamination: Cut off the contaminated part of the column and re-age or clean it.
  • Reduced Efficiency: Replace the column or perform aging treatment.

Detector Faults:

  • Abnormal Signal: Check and clean the detector nozzle and gas pipeline regularly.
  • Decreased Sensitivity: Adjust detector sensitivity settings and check gas flow rates.
  • Contamination: Use high-temperature aging or solvent cleaning for the detector.

System Leaks:

  • Check instrument connections, seals, or pipelines for tightness and replace damaged parts.
  • Use leak detection solution to check connection points for leaks and ensure instrument sealing.

Background Noise and Baseline Drift:

  • Check for a stable instrument environment and adjust detector sensitivity and baseline.
  • Regularly calibrate the instrument and check the stability of flow rate, temperature, and pressure parameters.

Flow Rate Issues:

  • Check the injection system, flow controller, and column for stable flow.
  • Replace the gas flow control valve or adjust gas flow settings.

Sample Contamination:

  • Prepare clean samples and regularly clean the injector and system.
  • Use pre-columns or guard columns to capture semi-volatile and non-volatile impurities.

IV. Maintenance Precautions

  • Before any maintenance, always turn off the chromatograph power and disconnect from the power source.
  • Use appropriate tools and solvents for cleaning and maintenance to avoid damaging instrument components.
  • Regularly maintain and service the instrument, such as replacing filters and cleaning nozzles and gas pipelines.
  • For complex faults, consult the instrument operation manual or seek assistance from professional technicians.

V. Brands and Models Repaired by Rongji Electromechanical Company

Agilent Technologies:

  • GC: 8890 GC System, 7890B GC System, 8860 GC System
  • HPLC/UPLC: 1290 Infinity II LC System, 1260 Infinity II LC System, 1220 Infinity II LC System
  • GC-MS: 8890 GC/MSD System, 7250 GC/Q-TOF, 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS
  • LC-MS: 6546 LC/Q-TOF, 6470 LC/TQ, 6495B LC/TQ

Thermo Fisher Scientific:

  • GC: TRACE 1310 GC, TRACE 1300 GC
  • HPLC/UPLC: Vanquish UHPLC System, UltiMate 3000 HPLC System
  • GC-MS: TSQ 9000 GC-MS/MS, ISQ 7000 Single Quadrupole GC-MS
  • LC-MS: Orbitrap Exploris 240, TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole, Q Exactive HF-X


  • GC: Nexis GC-2030, GC-2010 Plus
  • HPLC/UPLC: Nexera X2 UHPLC, Prominence HPLC
  • GC-MS: GCMS-QP2020 NX, GCMS-TQ8050 NX
  • LC-MS: LCMS-8050, LCMS-8060


  • HPLC/UPLC: ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS, ACQUITY Arc System, Alliance HPLC System
  • LC-MS: Xevo TQ-S micro, Xevo G2-XS QTof, SYNAPT XS


  • GC: Clarus 690 GC, Clarus 580 GC
  • HPLC/UPLC: Flexar UHPLC, Flexar HPLC, LC-2030C
  • GC-MS: Clarus SQ 8 GC/MS
  • LC-MS: QSight 220 Triple Quad


  • LC-MS: timsTOF Pro, maXis II


  • LC-MS: TripleTOF 6600, Triple Quad 7500, X500R QTOF

Hitachi High-Tech:

  • HPLC/UPLC: Chromaster HPLC, LaChromUltra


  • HPLC/UPLC: LC-4000 Series, X-LC Series


  • GC: Pegasus BT GC-TOFMS, Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS

Tianmei (Selian):

  • GC: SCION 8300 GC, SCION 8500, Selian 436i/456i, GC7980, GC7980Plus, GC7900

Varian (acquired by Agilent):

  • GC: CP-3800, CP-3900, Varian 450-GC, Varian 490-GC
  • HPLC: Varian ProStar 210 HPLC, Varian ProStar 218 HPLC, Varian ProStar 335 HPLC, Varian 940-LC
  • GC-MS: Varian Saturn 2000 GC/MS, Varian Saturn 2200 GC/MS, Varian 450-GC/320-MS, Varian 431-GC/210-MS
  • LC-MS: Varian 1200-LC, Varian 500-MS LC/MS, Varian 610-MS LC/MS
  • IC: Varian 920-LC

About Rongji Electromechanical Company

With nearly 30 years of experience in repairing chromatography instruments, Rongji Electromechanical Company offers swift and efficient repairs for various types of chromatographs. Additionally, we recycle and sell used chromatographs. For more information, please contact us.

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Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen Analyzer: Operating Guide and Maintenance

I. Principle of Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen Analyzer

The Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen Analyzer is a crucial tool in environmental protection and water quality management. It rapidly and accurately measures the total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) content in water samples, providing important data for water quality assessment. The analyzer works based on chemical analysis methods, converting TP and TN in water samples into measurable forms through specific reactions. For instance, TP is often determined using the molybdate colorimetric method, where the absorbance of the blue complex formed is measured; TN may be determined using the Kjeldahl method or nitride reduction method, converting nitrogen into ammonia for measurement.

II. Usage Instructions

Sample Preparation:

  • Collect water samples according to prescribed methods and perform necessary pretreatments, such as filtration and dilution, to ensure sample representativeness and measurability.
  • Avoid contamination and cross-contamination, maintaining sample stability.

Parameter Setting:

  • Reasonably set analyzer parameters, such as detection wavelength, titration volume, and reagent ratio, based on the TP and TN measurement range.

Instrument Calibration:

  • Calibrate the analyzer before sample measurement to eliminate instrument background effects and external interference, ensuring measurement accuracy and comparability.

Measurement Operation:

  • Follow the analyzer’s instruction manual, adding samples and reagents in a specific order and initiating the measurement program.
  • Adhere to operational norms and safety requirements to ensure reliable and stable results.

Result Calculation and Analysis:

  • Use corresponding calculation formulas to compute TP and TN content based on analyzer output, performing unit conversions (e.g., mg/L).
  • Analyze and evaluate data according to measurement results and relevant standards, assessing water sample quality and implementing appropriate environmental protection and water management measures.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods

Inaccurate Measurement Results:

  • Check if the instrument is correctly calibrated and ensure proper sample collection and handling. Consult the manufacturer or professionals if needed.

Unstable Data Transmission:

  • Check network connection stability and avoid signal interference. Ensure compatibility between the instrument and data processing software. Consider changing the network environment or upgrading software if necessary.

Instrument Alarm:

  • View device alarm messages to understand the fault type. Take corresponding measures based on the cause. If unable to resolve the issue, contact professional maintenance personnel.

Instrument Aging and Damage:

  • Regularly maintain and service the instrument, including cleaning and calibration, following its lifespan and maintenance cycle. Long-term use or improper maintenance can lead to aging and damage, affecting measurement accuracy.

Environmental Interference:

  • Control changes in environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and lighting, during instrument use. These factors may impact measurement results and stability. Perform corrections and adjustments as needed.

IV. Brands and Models Repaired by Longi Electromechanical Company

  1. Shimadzu:
    • TNP-4200, TOC-L Series (with TNM-L)
    • TOC-4200 (with TNM-4200)
  2. Hach:
    • Phosphax sigma
    • Phosphax sc
    • Nitratax plus sc
  3. Thermo Fisher Scientific:
    • Gallery Plus discrete analyzer
    • Gallery discrete analyzer
  4. Skalar:
    • SAN++ Continuous Flow Analyzer
    • BluVision Discrete Analyzer
  5. SEAL Analytical:
    • AQ400 Discrete Analyzer
    • AQ300 Discrete Analyzer
    • AutoAnalyzer 3 HR
  6. Metrohm:
    • 870 Compact IC flex (with 850 Professional IC)
  7. YSI (Xylem Analytics):
    • YSI 9300 Photometer
    • YSI 9500 Photometer
  8. PerkinElmer:
    • NexION 2000 ICP-MS
  9. Horiba:
    • Aqualog
  10. Analytik Jena:
    • multi N/C Series (multi N/C 2100/3100/UV HS TOC/TN analyzer)

V. About Longi Electromechanical Company

With nearly 30 years of experience in repairing Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen Analyzers, Rongji Electromechanical Company offers quick and efficient repairs for various instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell used analyzers. For more information, please contact us.

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 Comprehensive Guide to Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): Overview, Usage, Faults, Brand,and Repair

I. Principle of Scanning Electron Microscope

1. Electron Optical System:

  • Components: Electron gun, electromagnetic lens, scanning coils, and sample chamber.
  • Function: The electron gun generates a high-energy electron beam, which is focused by the electromagnetic lens and raster-scanned across the sample surface.

2. Signal Detection and Processing:

  • Interaction: Electron beam interacts with the sample to produce signals such as secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, and characteristic X-rays.
  • Detection: These signals are received by detectors and converted into electrical signals.
  • Imaging: The signals are amplified and displayed as images through the display system.

3. Vacuum System:

  • Purpose: Ensures stability of the electron beam and prevents sample contamination.
  • Components: Vacuum pump and vacuum column.
  • Function: Generates and maintains high vacuum within the sample chamber.

II. Usage Method for Scanning Electron Microscope

  1. Startup Preparation:
    • Check power supply, cooling water, vacuum pump, and other connections.
    • Ensure a clean and dust-free working environment.
  2. Sample Preparation:
    • Clean, cut, and coat the sample as required.
    • Ensure a flat and contaminant-free sample surface.
  3. Sample Installation:
    • Place the prepared sample on the sample holder.
    • Install it in the SEM sample chamber.
  4. Vacuum Pumping:
    • Use the vacuum pump to achieve the required vacuum level.
  5. Device Startup and Parameter Setting:
    • Start the SEM device.
    • Open the software interface.
    • Set parameters such as accelerating voltage, magnification, and scanning speed.
  6. Focusing and Calibration:
    • Adjust the objective and lens for focusing.
    • Perform necessary calibration.
  7. Observation and Photography:
    • Use software features to adjust image details and position.
    • Observe and capture images.
  8. Data Analysis and Saving:
    • Analyze images (e.g., measure dimensions, calculate areas).
    • Save the results.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. ** Flickering or Blurred Display/Image**:
    • Causes: Low resolution, fast scanning speed, power issues, or loose connections.
    • Solutions: Adjust resolution, slow down scanning speed, check power and connection cables.
  2. Device Failure to Start:
    • Causes: Power control issues, blown fuse, faulty switching power supply.
    • Solutions: Check power control, replace fuse, repair or replace switching power supply.
  3. Filament Failure to Turn On:
    • Causes: Unrecognized high-voltage box, faulty switching power supply.
    • Solutions: Check high-voltage box fiber and power input, repair or replace switching power supply.
  4. Unclear Image:
    • Causes: Incorrect contrast settings, dirty sample surface, autofocus issues.
    • Solutions: Adjust contrast, clean the sample, check and repair autofocus.
  5. Software Conflict or System Incompatibility:
    • Causes: Incompatible operating system or software version conflict.
    • Solutions: Update OS and software, or choose more compatible software.

IV. Precautions

  • Maintain a clean, vibration-free, and electromagnetic interference-free environment.
  • Ensure precise sample preparation.
  • Set parameters reasonably based on sample properties and observation needs.
  • Handle with care, follow operating procedures and safety requirements.

V. Brands and Models of SEMs Repaired by Longi Electromechanical Company

  1. Thermo Fisher Scientific (FEI):
    • Helios G4 UX DualBeam
    • Helios G4 CX DualBeam
    • Apreo 2 SEM
    • (Additional models listed…)
  2. JEOL:
    • JSM-7900F
    • JSM-7800F
    • (Additional models listed…)
  3. Hitachi High-Tech:
    • SU9000
    • SU8700
    • (Additional models listed…)
  4. Carl Zeiss:
    • GeminiSEM 500
    • GeminiSEM 300
    • (Additional models listed…)
  5. Tescan:
    • Mira3
    • Mira4
    • (Additional models listed…)
  6. Phenom-World (Thermo Fisher Scientific):
    • Phenom Pharos
    • Phenom ProX
    • (Additional models listed…)
  7. COXEM:
    • EM-30AX Plus
    • CX-200Plus
    • (Additional models listed…)
  8. Nanoscience Instruments:
    • Apreo S
    • Verios G4
    • (Additional models listed…)
  9. Rigaku:
    • nano3DX
    • XtaLAB Synergy-R
    • (Additional models listed…)
  10. Aspex Corporation:
    • Explorer
    • Personal SEM
    • (Additional models listed…)
  11. Leica Microsystems:
    • EM ACE600
    • EM ACE900
    • (Additional models listed…)
  12. Nikon:
    • Eclipse LV150N
    • Eclipse LV100ND
  13. Bruker:
    • ContourGT
    • Contour Elite
    • JPK NanoWizar

VI. About Longi Electromechanical Company

With nearly 30 years of experience in SEM repair, Longi Electromechanical Company offers quick and efficient repairs for various instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell used SEMs. Welcome to consult us for more information.

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Rheometer: Principles, Brand,Usage, Common Faults, and Maintenance

1. Principles of Rheometer

A rheometer is an instrument used to measure the rheological properties of fluids under different conditions. Its measurement principles are based on applying stress or strain to the fluid and measuring the fluid’s response under these conditions. The specific principles include:

  • Rotational Rheometer: By rotating the measuring element (such as a rotor or cone), shear strain is generated in the fluid, and the required torque or resistance is measured to determine the fluid’s viscosity, shear stress, and rheological characteristics.
  • Capillary Rheometer: The fluid flows through a capillary tube, and its viscosity and rheological behavior are studied by measuring the pressure drop and flow rate.
  • Oscillatory Rheometer: Oscillatory strain or stress is applied to the fluid, and the fluid’s elastic modulus, viscous modulus, and damping characteristics are measured.
  • Tensile Rheometer: Tensile strain is applied to the fluid, and its tensile properties are measured.
  • Cone-Plate Rheometer: Using a cone-plate structure, shear strain is generated in the fluid, and the fluid’s viscosity and rheological characteristics are measured.

2. Usage of Rheometer

The usage of a rheometer typically includes the following steps:

Startup Preparation:

  • Turn on the air compressor (air valve closed).
  • Allow air pressure to rise to the standard value (e.g., 5-8 bar).
  • Open the air valve.
  • Turn on the constant temperature water bath (ensure external circulation mode).
  • Turn on the main power supply and confirm the status of the main unit.
  • After self-check, press “ONLINE” to turn off the indicator light and initialize the displacement.
  • Open the rheometer software, press “ONLINE” to turn on the indicator light, and initialize the connection.

Experimental Operation:

  • Install the measuring jig and sample.
  • Set experimental parameters such as temperature, rotation speed, stress, etc.
  • Start the experiment and record data.

Experiment Completion:

  • Remove the measuring jig and clean the jig and cylinder.
  • Turn off the main power supply, water bath, and air compressor.
  • Organize the experimental instruments and equipment.

3. Common Faults and Maintenance Methods

The rheometer may encounter the following common faults during use, and the corresponding maintenance methods are as follows:

  • Sample Not Flowing or Unstable Flow:
    • Cause: Insufficient sample volume, too thick sample, bubbles in the sample, or sample not fully melted.
    • Maintenance Method: Increase sample volume, reduce sample thickness, centrifuge or filter the sample, ensure the sample is fully melted at the test temperature.
  • Poor Repeatability of Test Results:
    • Cause: Unstable sample properties, instrument fault, improper operation, or environmental factors.
    • Maintenance Method: Use a more stable sample, inspect and repair the instrument, recheck the operation process, control environmental factors.
  • Large Deviation in Test Results:
    • Cause: Uneven sample, improper operation, instrument fault, or inaccurate test conditions.
    • Maintenance Method: Use a more uniform sample, recheck the operation process, inspect and repair the instrument, adjust test conditions.
  • Instrument Unable to Start or Automatically Stops:
    • Cause: Power failure, internal instrument fault, safety protection mechanism.
    • Maintenance Method: Check the power plug and power cord, inspect and repair the internal instrument, check the safety protection mechanism and adjust.
  • No Display or Abnormal Display on the Screen:
    • Cause: Internal instrument fault, power failure, connection issue.
    • Maintenance Method: Inspect and repair the internal instrument, check the power plug and power cord, ensure the connection cables are properly inserted.
  • Abnormal Sound or Odor During Testing:
    • Cause: Abnormal sample properties, instrument fault, improper operation.
    • Maintenance Method: Recheck the operation process, inspect and repair the instrument, check the sample properties.
  • Mechanical Fault:
    • Cause: Broken, worn, or stuck transmission system.
    • Maintenance Method: Inspect and replace transmission components, ensure the transmission system is smooth.
  • Electrical Fault:
    • Cause: Power failure, poor wire contact, control circuit fault.
    • Maintenance Method: Check the power supply, wires, and control circuit, perform necessary repairs or replacements.
  • Temperature Control Fault:
    • Cause: Fault in the temperature control system.
    • Maintenance Method: Inspect and repair the temperature control system, ensure accurate temperature control.
  • Sensor Fault:
    • Cause: Damaged or faulty sensor.
    • Maintenance Method: Inspect and replace the sensor, ensure accurate data collection.
  • Software Fault:
    • Cause: Fault in the control software.
    • Maintenance Method: Reinstall or update the software, ensure the software runs normally.

If any issues are encountered during the use of the rheometer, it is recommended to promptly consult professionals or the manufacturer for resolution.

4. Brands and Models of Rheometers Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  • Anton Paar:
    1. MCR 302
    2. MCR702 MultiDrive
    3. MCR 502 WESP
    4. MCR502
    5. MCR72
    6. MCR 92
  • TA Instruments:
    1. Discovery HR-3
    2. Discovery HR-2
    3. Discovery HR-1
    4. DHR-1
    5. DHR-2
    6. DHR-3
    7. AR-G2
  • Malvern Panalytical:
    1. Kinexus Pro+
    2. Kinexus Ultra+
    3. Kinexus Lab+
    4. Rosand RH2000
    5. Rosand RH7
    6. Rosand RH10
    7. Rosand RH50
  • Brookfield (Ametek Brookfield):
    1. RSX Rheometer
    2. RST Rheometer
    3. DVNext Rheometer
    4. PFT Powder Flow Tester
    5. CT3 Texture Analyzer
  • Thermo Scientific:
    1. HAAKE MARS 60
    2. HAAKE Viscotester iQ
    3. HAAKE RotoVisco 1
    4. HAAKE RheoStress 1
  • Anton Paar Physica:
    1. MCR 302 WESP
    2. MCR 502 TDR
    3. MCR 102
    4. MCR 302 MultiDrive
  • ATS RheoSystems:
    1. RST Controlled Stress Rheometer
    2. Viscoanalyzer, EML Rheometer
  • Rheosense:
    1. m-VROC
    2. e-VROC
    3. microVISC
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific:
    1. HAAKE Viscotester 550
    2. HAAKE MARS iQ, HAAKE Viscotester 3
  • Reologica Instruments:
    1. Stresstech HR
    2. Kinexus DSR-E
    3. Bohlin Gemini 2

Longi Electromechanical has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing rheometers and can quickly repair various types of instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell various used rheometers. Welcome to consult.

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Trace Oxygen Analyzer: Principles, Brands & Models, Usage, and Troubleshooting Guide

I. Classification of Trace Oxygen Analyzer Principles

Trace oxygen analyzers are crucial tools for detecting minute amounts of oxygen in the environment. Their principles are mainly categorized into fuel cell and zirconia methods.

1. Fuel Cell Trace Oxygen Analyzer

  • Principle: Utilizes a fully sealed fuel cell oxygen sensor consisting of highly active oxygen and lead electrodes immersed in a KOH solution. Oxygen molecules in the sample gas diffuse through a polymer membrane to the oxygen electrode, where they undergo an electrochemical reaction. The generated current is proportional to the oxygen content in the sample gas.
  • Advantages: Maintenance-free, stable and reliable sensor, no need for regular cleaning or replacement.

2. Zirconia Trace Oxygen Analyzer

  • Principle: Employs a zirconia element as the key component of the oxygen detection cell. At high temperatures, oxygen diffuses from the side with higher partial pressure to the side with lower partial pressure, creating a potential difference, which is used to measure oxygen content.
  • Advantages: Wide measurement range, easy to use, long service life.

II. Usage Instructions

  1. Instrument Startup: Ensure the portable trace oxygen analyzer is in normal working condition.
  2. Mobile Detection: Hold the antioxidant and corrosion-resistant detection rod to measure the concentration of trace oxygen gas in the environment.
  3. Data Recording: Utilize the instrument’s storage and memory function to record data per second during detection, facilitating subsequent query and computer printing.

III. Common Faults and Troubleshooting Methods

  1. No Response to Sample Gas
    • Cause: Sensor failure.
    • Repair Method: Check instrument connections for normality or replace the sensor.
  2. No Display on Instrument
    • Cause: Fuse burnout or circuit failure.
    • Repair Method: Replace the fuse or send to a professional repair center.
  3. Slow Response or Poor Linearity
    • Cause: Sensor aging, presence of liquids or dust, gas path leakage.
    • Repair Method: Replace the sensor, clean the pipelines, or repair the leakage.
  4. No Indication on Flowmeter
    • Cause: Filter at the inlet is blocked or internal pipelines are clogged.
    • Repair Method: Check the filter screen or send the instrument back to the manufacturer for repair.
  5. High or Low Indication
    • Cause: Signal drift, presence of other interfering gases, inaccurate sensor calibration, gas path leakage.
    • Repair Method: Recalibrate the instrument, filter out other interfering gases, check and repair gas path leakage, replace the sensor.
  6. Garbled Display
    • Cause: Strong external power interference or instrument detection program issues.
    • Repair Method: Add a purified power supply stabilizer or send the instrument to a professional repair center.
  7. Internal Instrument Fault
    • Cause: Associated with fault codes.
    • Repair Method: Refer to the fault code instructions in the instrument manual for targeted troubleshooting.
  8. Power Issues
    • Cause: Poor power cord connection or faulty power socket.
    • Repair Method: Check power cord connection and power socket, and conduct professional repair if necessary.
  9. Ambient Temperature Changes
    • Cause: Large ambient temperature changes, sensor aging or contamination.
    • Repair Method: Avoid using the instrument in environments with large temperature changes, regularly replace or clean the sensor.

IV. Longi Ectromechanical Company Repair Services

Longi Ectromechanical Company, with nearly 30 years of experience in trace oxygen analyzer repair, can quickly repair various types of instruments. The company also offers services for recycling and selling various used analyzers. Below are some of the brands and models that have been repaired:

  • Process Insights: MTO2-2000, ZIRCOMAT, OXYMAT 6
  • Pittcon Instruments: POA200, 209 Series, Model 211, Model 212
  • In-Situ: EN-500, RDO PRO-X, Aqua TROLL 600, TROLL 9500
  • Servomex: SERVOPRO MultiExact 4100, SERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E, SERVOPRO 4900 Multigas, SERVOPRO NanoChrome
  • Teledyne Analytical Instruments: 3000TA, 3000T Series, 3000MB Series, 3000MA
  • AMETEK: 2000H, 3000TA, 3000MA, ta7000
  • Michell Instruments: XZR400, XZR500, XTP601, XZR200
  • Systech Illinois: EC900, EC923, EC91, EC92DIS
  • Mettler-Toledo: Thornton 499AO, 5900 Series, 5500 Series, 4900 Series
  • Yokogawa: ZR22, ZR202, ZR402, AV550G
  • Delta F Corporation: DF-150E, DF-500, DF-560E, DF-745
  • Analytical Industries Inc. (AII): GPR-1500, GPR-2500, GPR-3100, GPR-4100
  • GE Analytical Instruments: Oxy.IQ, Oxy.IQ II

For trace oxygen analyzer repair services, please contact Longi Ectromechanical Company.

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Working Principle, Operation, and Maintenance of Dispensing Machines

Working Principle and Operation of Dispensing Machines

Working Principle:
Dispensing machines primarily utilize compressed air or pressure systems to transfer adhesive from the reservoir to the dispensing nozzle, with precise control of adhesive flow rate and direction achieved through control valves. During operation, the machine applies adhesive accurately onto workpieces at predetermined positions and shapes, based on preset parameters such as adhesive flow rate, speed, duration, and the machine’s movement path.

I. Usage of Dispensing Machines

  1. Preparing Adhesive:
    • Inject adhesive into the reservoir and secure it onto the machine.
  2. Setting Parameters:
    • Configure the machine’s working parameters, including adhesive flow rate, speed, and duration, as required.
  3. Placing Workpieces:
    • Position the workpiece requiring adhesive on the machine’s workbench and secure it in place.
  4. Starting Up and Setting:
    • Turn on the dispensing machine’s power switch and, following the instructions on the operation panel or touchscreen, set the dispensing position and shape for the workpiece.
  5. Checking and Starting:
    • Verify that the adhesive flow rate and workbench movement speed meet requirements, then start dispensing to ensure uniform application of adhesive on the workpiece.
  6. Ending and Cleaning:
    • After dispensing, turn off the machine’s power switch and clean the machine, dispensing nozzle, and other components to prevent adhesive from drying and causing blockages.

II. Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. Nozzle Blockage:
    • Cause: Incomplete cleaning of the adhesive valve or needle, impurities in the adhesive, or mixing of incompatible adhesives.
    • Solution: Replace with a clean needle, use higher-quality adhesive, and clean the adhesive valve promptly.
  2. Adhesive Valve Dripping or Leakage:
    • Cause: Needle diameter too small, affecting bubble venting, leading to backpressure and post-dispensing dripping.
    • Solution: Replace with a larger needle, add a suction function, use less bubble-prone adhesive, and perform de-bubbling before use.
  3. Slow Flow Rate:
    • Cause: Excessively long liquid transfer tubing causing unstable air pressure loss.
    • Solution: Shorten tubing length, adjust dispensing outlet and air pressure to increase flow rate.
  4. Bubbles in Fluid:
    • Cause: Excessive feed pressure and short valve-opening time, introducing air into the liquid.
    • Solution: Reduce feed fluid pressure and use a conical luer needle.
  5. Inconsistent Dispensing Size:
    • Cause: Unstable pressure pump or feed pressure.
    • Solution: Ensure control pressure of the adhesive valve reaches at least 60 psi and avoid using the low-pressure section of the pressure gauge.
  6. Stringing or Tailing:
    • Cause: Inadequate adjustment of process parameters, such as small needle inner diameter, high dispensing pressure, or large distance between needle and PCB.
    • Solution: Adjust process parameters, replace with a needle with a larger inner diameter, reduce dispensing pressure, adjust needle height from PCB, or heat the dispensing needle to lower viscosity.
  7. Satellite Dots:
    • Cause: Tailing and needle disconnection or incorrect jet height during non-contact jetting.
    • Solution: Check for needle damage, adjust equipment parameters to prevent tailing, and adjust jet head height from PCB.
  8. Popcorn or Voids:
    • Cause: Air or moist gas entering the adhesive.
    • Solution: Use low temperature for slow curing, extend heating time, shorten the time between placement and curing, and perform de-bubbling for self-filled adhesives.
  9. Empty Dispensing or Insufficient Adhesive Output:
    • Cause: Bubbles in the adhesive, needle blockage, or insufficient air pressure.
    • Solution: Perform de-bubbling on the adhesive in the syringe, replace with a clean needle, and appropriately adjust machine pressure.
  10. Intermittent Adhesive Dots:
    • Cause: Needle plunger landing on the soldering pad.
    • Solution: Replace with a different needle, increase delay, or adjust the ratio of pressure to cycle time.
  11. Component Displacement:
    • Cause: Uneven adhesive dots, inappropriate placement height, or excessive adhesive.
    • Solution: Adjust the placement machine’s working status, replace the adhesive, and specify PCB placement time in the process documentation.
  12. Component Falling Off After Curing or Wave Soldering:
    • Cause: Low curing temperature, insufficient adhesive, or contaminated components/PCB.
    • Solution: Retest the PCB’s curing curve, adjust curing temperature, and inspect components or PCB for contamination.

III. Brands and Models of Dispensing Machines Repaired by Longi Ectromechanical Company

  1. Nordson EFD:
    • Ultimus V
    • Performus X100
    • 794 Series
    • 736HPA
    • Liquidyn P-Dot CT
  2. Musashi Engineering:
    • Shotmaster 300DS
    • SuperΣ CMII
    • Image Master 350PC Smart
    • Smart Dispenser 300
  3. Asymtek (Nordson Asymtek):
    • Spectrum S-820
    • Quantum Q-6800
    • ACJ-3 Controller
    • DispenseMate D-583
    • Helios SD-960
  4. Fisnar:
    • CV629
    • F1300N
    • F4200N
    • DC100
    • I&J123-D
  5. Techcon Systems:
    • TS5000DMP
    • TS8100 Series
    • TS9000 Jet Tech
    • TS5540
  6. GPD Global:
    • MAX Series
    • Island Series
    • PCD Series
    • NCM5000
  7. VERMES Microdispensing:
    • MDS 3010+
    • MDS 3200A
    • MDS 3250+
  8. Camalot (ITW EAE):
    • Prodigy
    • XyflexPro+
    • FX-D
  9. PVA (Precision Valve & Automation):
    • Delta 6
    • Delta 8
    • Sigma
    • FCS300
  10. Valco Melton:
    • FlexSpray
    • D4 Series
    • 524 System

Longi Ectromechanical Company specializes in the long-term maintenance of dispensing machines, with nearly 30 years of experience in quick repairs for various instruments. We also buy and sell used dispensing machines. For inquiries, please contact us.

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 Understanding and Using a Colorimeter: Principles, Instructions, Faults, and Brands

Colorimeter: An Optical Measurement Instrument Simulating Human Eye’s Response to Red, Green, and Blue Light

I. Working Principle of Colorimeter

Optical System:

  • The colorimeter typically consists of a light source, a sample, and a detector (or sensor).
  • The light source emits light (which can be white light or specific wavelengths, such as the D65 light source simulating natural lighting conditions), and the light passes through or reflects off the sample before being received by the detector.

Color Detection:

  • The detector usually has three channels corresponding to red, green, and blue.
  • Each detector is calibrated to respond to specific wavelengths associated with its respective color channel.
  • The detected light intensities are used to calculate the object’s tristimulus values (X, Y, Z), representing the object’s color in a standardized color space (e.g., CIE XYZ color space).

Color Space:

  • The colorimeter can convert between different color spaces (e.g., RGB, Lab, LCH, etc.).
  • The Lab color space is one of the commonly used spaces, consisting of lightness (L), the a-axis (red-green axis), and the b-axis (yellow-blue axis).

Color Difference Calculation:

  • The colorimeter assesses color consistency by measuring the difference between the sample and a standard sample.
  • It first measures the color information of the standard sample as a reference, then measures the color information of the test sample, and compares the two.
  • The color difference value is calculated using mathematical algorithms (such as ΔE*ab) to evaluate the degree of color difference in the sample.

II. Usage Instructions for Colorimeter

  1. Warm-up:
    • Turn on the colorimeter and allow it to warm up for a specified time (e.g., 30 minutes) to ensure stable performance.
  2. Calibration:
    • Calibrate the instrument according to the manual before measurements to ensure accuracy.
    • Calibration typically includes zero calibration and white calibration steps.
  3. Select Color Parameters:
    • Choose the appropriate color parameters (e.g., CIE Lab*, CIE LCh) based on measurement needs.
  4. Place the Sample:
    • Position the test sample on the measurement platform, ensuring it is flat, without reflection or impurities.
    • For opaque samples, place them on a black background for measurement.
  5. Set Measurement Mode:
    • Choose the suitable measurement mode (e.g., standard mode, quick mode) based on actual requirements and set parameters such as light source and observation angle.
  6. Start Measurement:
    • Follow the manual’s instructions to set the measurement mode and press the start button. The instrument will measure automatically.
  7. Record Data:
    • After measurement, the instrument will display the results. Record relevant data (e.g., L, a, b* values) as needed for further analysis.
  8. Clean the Instrument:
    • Clean the instrument’s surface and internal parts promptly after use to maintain cleanliness.
  9. Shutdown and Storage:
    • Turn off the instrument after all measurements. Store it in a dry, cool place, avoiding direct sunlight and humid environments.

III. Common Faults and Repair Methods

1. Light Source Issues:

  • Fault Manifestation: Damaged light source, failure to illuminate, or insufficient brightness.
  • Possible Causes: Damaged light source, poor line connection, insufficient battery power, or damaged battery.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Check and replace the light source (e.g., pulsed xenon lamp or tungsten bulb).
    • Check line connections for proper contact.
    • Replace or recharge the battery.

2. Battery Issues:

  • Fault Manifestation: Insufficient battery power, failure to charge, or damaged battery causing instrument malfunction.
  • Possible Causes: Aging battery, incorrect battery installation, poor battery contact.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Install the battery correctly.
    • Check battery power and recharge or replace as needed.

3. Display Issues:

  • Fault Manifestation: LCD screen failure or abnormal display.
  • Possible Causes: No battery installed, insufficient battery power, incorrect battery installation, line fault.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Install the battery or connect the AC adapter correctly.
    • Check and repair line faults.

4. Key Malfunctions:

  • Fault Manifestation: Measurement buttons or body keys not functioning.
  • Possible Causes: Damaged keys, charging in progress, or connection to a PC application.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Ensure to press the measurement button when the READY indicator is on after charging.
    • Disconnect from the PC application.
    • Replace damaged keys or have them repaired by professionals.

5. Connection Issues:

  • Fault Manifestation: Failure to connect to PC applications or printers.
  • Possible Causes: Incorrect connection method, multiple instruments connected in the PC.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Connect to the PC correctly, ensuring only one instrument is connected.
    • Select the correct connection option from the settings screen (e.g., “USB Connection” → “PC” or “Printer”).

6. Indicator and Buzzer Issues:

  • Fault Manifestation: LED indicator not lighting up, buzzer not sounding.
  • Possible Causes: Settings issue (e.g., set to “off”).
  • Repair Methods:
    • Connect to the PC application and check/modify relevant settings.

7. Calibration Issues:

  • Fault Manifestation: Colorimeter unable to complete calibration or inaccurate calibration results.
  • Possible Causes: Worn, contaminated, or discolored calibration white board, or incorrect execution of the calibration process.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Clean or replace the calibration white board.
    • Follow the manual to execute the calibration process correctly.

8. System Faults:

  • Fault Manifestation: General system errors, instrument malfunction.
  • Possible Causes: Aging bulb, aging circuit board, software issues.
  • Repair Methods:
    • Replace the bulb or circuit board.
    • Upgrade or restore software to the latest version.
    • For complex issues, contact Longi Ectromechanical Company or a professional repair team for inspection and repair.

IV. Brands and Models of Colorimeters Repaired by Longi Ectromechanical Company

  1. Datacolor:
    • Datacolor 600
    • Check 3
    • SpyderX Elite
    • ColorReader Pro
    • SpectraVision Spectro 700
    • SpectraVision Spectro 1000
  2. Konica Minolta:
    • CM-700d
    • CM-600d
    • CM-5
    • CM-3600A
    • CM-3610A
    • CM-25d
    • CM-26dG
  3. X-Rite:
    • Ci64
    • Ci7600
    • Ci7800
    • eXact Standard
    • eXact Advanced
    • RM200QC
  4. HunterLab:
    • UltraScan PRO
    • ColorFlex EZ
    • LabScan XE
    • MiniScan EZ 4500L
    • Vista
  5. BYK-Gardner:
    • spectro2guide
    • spectro-guide
    • micro-gloss
    • color-guide
  6. 3NH (ThreeNH):
    • YS6060
    • NH310
    • TS7600
    • NS800
    • NH300
  7. PCE Instruments:
    • PCE-CSM 8
    • PCE-CSM 10
    • PCE-CSM 20
    • PCE-TCD 100
  8. Hach:
    • DR1900
    • DR6000

Longi Ectromechanical Company has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing colorimeters, enabling swift repairs for various instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell used colorimeters. For more information, please feel free to contact us.

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Introduction to Colorimeter: Working Principle, Usage, Faults, and Repair by Longi Ectromechanical Company

Colorimeter: An Optical Instrument for Color Measurement

1. Introduction to Colorimeter

A colorimeter is an optical measurement instrument that simulates the human eye’s response to red, green, and blue light. It assesses color differences by measuring the intensity of light reflected or transmitted from the surface of an object, based on the concept of color space.

2. Working Principle of Colorimeter

Optical System:

  • The colorimeter typically consists of a light source, sample, and detector (or sensor).
  • The light source emits light (which can be white light or specific wavelengths, such as the D65 light source, used to simulate natural lighting conditions). The light passes through the sample and is then received by the detector.

Color Detection:

  • The detector usually has three channels corresponding to red, green, and blue.
  • Each detector is calibrated to respond to specific wavelengths of light associated with its respective color channel.
  • The detected light intensity is used to calculate the object’s tristimulus values (X, Y, Z), representing its color in a standardized color space (such as the CIE XYZ color space).

Color Space:

  • The colorimeter can convert between different color spaces (such as RGB, Lab, LCH, etc.).
  • The Lab color space is one of the commonly used color spaces, consisting of lightness (L), the a-axis (red-green axis), and the b-axis (yellow-blue axis).

Color Difference Calculation:

  • The colorimeter assesses color consistency by measuring the color difference between the sample and a standard sample.
  • It first measures the color information of the standard sample as a reference, then measures the color information of the sample to be tested, and compares the two.
  • The color difference value between the two is calculated using mathematical algorithms (such as ΔE*ab) to evaluate the degree of color difference in the sample.

3. Usage Instructions for Colorimeter

  1. Warm-up: Turn on the colorimeter power and preheat for a certain period (such as 30 minutes) to ensure stable instrument performance.
  2. Calibration: Calibrate the instrument according to the instructions before measurement, including zero calibration and white board calibration.
  3. Select Color Parameters: Choose the appropriate color parameters (such as CIE Lab*, CIE LCh, etc.) based on measurement needs.
  4. Place Sample: Place the sample on the measuring platform, ensuring it is flat, without reflection or impurities. For opaque samples, measure on a black background.
  5. Set Measurement Mode: Choose the appropriate measurement mode (such as standard mode, quick mode, etc.) based on actual needs, and set parameters such as light source and observation angle.
  6. Start Measurement: Follow the instrument instructions to set the measurement mode and press the start button. The instrument will measure automatically.
  7. Record Data: After measurement, the instrument will display the results. Record relevant data (such as L, a, b* values, etc.) as needed for further analysis.
  8. Clean Instrument: Clean the instrument surface and internal parts after measurement to maintain cleanliness.
  9. Shutdown and Storage: Turn off the instrument power after all measurements. Store the instrument in a dry, cool place, avoiding direct sunlight and humid environments.

Additional Precautions:

  • Keep the instrument stable, avoiding severe vibration or collision.
  • Regularly inspect and replace easily damaged parts such as light sources and detectors.
  • Follow the operation and maintenance requirements in the instrument instructions.

4. Common Faults and Repair Methods

Light Source Issues:

  • Fault: Light source damage, failure to illuminate, or insufficient brightness.
  • Possible Causes: Damaged light source, poor line connection, insufficient battery power, or damaged battery.
  • Repair Methods: Check and replace the light source (such as a pulsed xenon lamp or tungsten bulb), check line connections for good contact, replace or recharge the battery.

Battery Issues:

  • Fault: Insufficient battery power, failure to charge, or instrument malfunction due to damaged battery.
  • Possible Causes: Battery aging, incorrect battery installation, or poor battery contact.
  • Repair Methods: Install the battery correctly, check battery power and recharge or replace as needed.

Display Issues:

  • Fault: LCD screen failure or abnormal display.
  • Possible Causes: No battery installed, insufficient battery power, incorrect battery installation, or line fault.
  • Repair Methods: Install the battery or connect the AC adapter correctly, check and repair line faults.

Button Malfunction:

  • Fault: Measurement buttons or body buttons do not function.
  • Possible Causes: Damaged buttons, charging in progress, or connection to a PC application.
  • Repair Methods: Press the measurement button after charging is complete and the READY indicator is on. Disconnect from the PC application if connected. If the button is damaged, replace it or have it repaired by professionals.

Connection Issues:

  • Fault: Unable to connect to PC applications or printers.
  • Possible Causes: Incorrect connection method, multiple instruments connected in the PC.
  • Repair Methods: Connect to the PC end correctly, ensuring only one instrument is connected. Select the correct connection option from the settings screen (such as “USB Connection” → “PC” or “Printer”).

Indicator and Buzzer Issues:

  • Fault: LED indicator does not light up, buzzer does not sound.
  • Possible Causes: Settings issue (such as being set to “off”).
  • Repair Methods: Connect to the PC application and check or modify relevant settings.

Calibration Issues:

  • Fault: The colorimeter cannot complete calibration or the calibration result is inaccurate.
  • Possible Causes: Worn, contaminated, or discolored calibration white board, or incorrect execution of the calibration process.
  • Repair Methods: Clean or replace the calibration white board. Perform the calibration process correctly according to the instructions.

System Faults:

  • Fault: Conventional system errors, instrument malfunction.
  • Possible Causes: Aged bulb, aged circuit board, or software issues.
  • Repair Methods: Replace the bulb or circuit board. Upgrade or restore software to the latest version. For complex issues or those that cannot be resolved independently, contact Longi Ectromechanical Company’s professional repair team for detection and repair.

5. Brands and Models of Colorimeters Repaired by Longi Ectromechanical Company


  1. Datacolor 600
  2. Check 3
  3. SpyderX Elite
  4. ColorReader Pro
  5. SpectraVision Spectro 700
  6. SpectraVision Spectro 1000

Konica Minolta:

  1. CM-700d
  2. CM-600d
  3. CM-5
  4. CM-3600A
  5. CM-3610A
  6. CM-25d
  7. CM-26dG


  1. Ci64
  2. Ci7600
  3. Ci7800
  4. eXact Standard
  5. eXact Advanced
  6. RM200QC


  1. UltraScan PRO
  2. ColorFlex EZ
  3. LabScan XE
  4. MiniScan EZ 4500L
  5. Vista


  1. spectro2guide
  2. spectro-guide
  3. micro-gloss
  4. color-guide

3NH (ThreeNH):

  1. YS6060
  2. NH310
  3. TS7600
  4. NS800
  5. NH300

PCE Instruments:

  1. PCE-CSM 8
  2. PCE-CSM 10
  3. PCE-CSM 20
  4. PCE-TCD 100


  1. DR1900
  2. DR6000

6. Conclusion

Longi Ectromechanical Company specializes in the repair of colorimeters, with nearly 30 years of experience. We can quickly repair various types of instruments and also offer recycling and sales of used colorimeters. For more information, please contact us.

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Potentiometric Analyzers: Common Faults, Maintenance, and Specifications

Potentiometric Analyzers (e.g., Zeta Potential Analyzers) in Laboratory and Industrial Applications: Common Faults and Maintenance

I. Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. No Power, Power Indicator Not Lit
    • Fault Causes:
      • Main power circuit breaker tripped.
      • Power fuse blown.
      • Indicator light damaged.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Check for short circuits in the device and reset the circuit breaker.
      • Replace the fuse or indicator light.
  2. Abnormal Output Voltage and Current, C1 Potential Indicator Drops
    • Fault Causes:
      • Insulating flange short-circuited.
      • Short-circuited with other underground metal structures.
      • Reference electrode damaged.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Repair the short-circuited insulating flange and disconnect from underground metal structures.
      • Check the reference electrode measurement wire or replace the reference electrode.
  3. Increased Noise
    • Fault Causes:
      • Uneven placement of the case.
      • Poor contact of the main relay.
      • Loose bolts on the main transformer or filter reactor.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Level the case.
      • Replace the main relay.
      • Tighten loose bolts.
  4. Fault Light On
    • Fault Causes:
      • Test conversion jump.
      • Open circuit in anode or cathode bus cable.
      • Open circuit or failure in reference electrode cable.
    • Repair Methods:
      • Press the reset button.
      • Check the anode or cathode bus cable.
      • Check the reference electrode cable or replace the reference electrode.
  5. Open Circuit in Cathode Line
    • Diagnosis:
      • Use a ZC-8 ground resistance tester to measure the grounding resistance of the anode cable. After confirming the normality of the anode cable, use a multimeter to test the continuity between the output cathode and the zero-position grounding cable to determine if there is an open circuit.
    • Repair Method:
      • Replace the open-circuited output cathode cable.
  6. Open Circuit in Reference Line or Zero-Position Grounding Line
    • Diagnosis:
      • Disconnect and measure the potential using a long-lasting reference electrode placed directly above it, or test the resistance value between these two lines to determine their integrity.
    • Repair Method:
      • Replace the open-circuited cable or reference electrode.
  7. Damaged Reference Electrode or Empty Cupric Sulfate Solution
    • Diagnosis:
      • Use a calibrated standard reference electrode placed as close as possible to the long-lasting reference electrode and use a multimeter to test the potential difference to determine if it falls within the acceptable range.
    • Repair Method:
      • Replace the long-lasting reference electrode or replenish the cupric sulfate solution.

II. Daily Maintenance Considerations

  • Regular Calibration: If performing acid-base titration to determine the isoelectric point or pH value, calibrate the pH probe before each experiment. If testing solution conductivity, calibrate the conductivity probe. The main probe can be calibrated weekly.
  • Cleaning: Clean the main probe, pH probe, and container after each sample change, and dry them to avoid residue affecting experimental results. Thoroughly clean and properly store them after experiments.

III. Potentiometric Analyzers Repaired by Longi Ectromechanical Company and Their Specifications

  1. Metrohm (Switzerland)
    • 905 Titrando: High-precision potentiometric titrator suitable for various complex samples with automation and modular design for laboratory and industrial applications.
    • 888 Titrando: Multi-functional potentiometric titrator supporting multiple titration methods with high precision and reliability for a wide range of applications.
  2. Mettler-Toledo
    • T50: Multi-functional titration system with high precision and user-friendly interface for routine laboratory analysis and research applications.
    • T90: High-end potentiometric titrator offering flexible automation options and advanced data management features for complex and high-demand analysis tasks.
  3. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • Orion Star T940: High-performance potentiometric titrator with intuitive user interface and multiple titration modes for various electrochemical analyses.
    • Orion Versa Star Pro: Potentiometric titrator providing high-precision potential measurements and multiple titration functions for research and quality control.
  4. Hanna Instruments
    • HI902C: Fully automatic potentiometric titrator with high precision and multi-functionality for a wide range of applications, including food, beverage, and chemical analysis.
  5. Hach
    • AT1000: Fully automatic potentiometric titrator designed for high-precision titration analysis, suitable for water quality analysis and other industrial applications.
  6. SCHOTT Instruments
    • TitroLine 7800: High-end potentiometric titrator with automation and high-precision titration functions for complex analysis tasks in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries.
  7. Malvern Panalytical
    • Zetasizer Nano ZS: High-performance Zeta potential and particle size analyzer for the characterization of nanoparticles, colloids, and proteins with high sensitivity and multi-functionality.
    • Zetasizer Ultra: Provides higher resolution and accuracy for measuring particle size, Zeta potential, and molecular weight, suitable for complex sample analysis.
  8. Anton Paar
    • Litesizer 500: Multi-functional analyzer for measuring particle size, Zeta potential, and molecular weight with high precision and easy-to-use interface for various applications.
  9. Brookhaven Instruments
    • ZetaPALS: High-sensitivity Zeta potential analyzer suitable for sample measurements in low-concentration and high-salt environments, widely used in research and industrial fields.
    • NanoBrook Omni: Comprehensive particle size and Zeta potential analyzer with high precision and reliability for the characterization of various nanomaterials and colloids.
  10. Beckman Coulter
    • DelsaMax PRO: Fast and high-precision Zeta potential analyzer capable of simultaneously measuring particle size and Zeta potential, suitable for high-throughput research and industrial applications.
  11. Horiba
    • SZ-100: Multi-functional nanoparticle size and Zeta potential analyzer with high sensitivity and ease of operation, suitable for research in materials science and life sciences.
  12. Particle Metrix
    • Stabino: Automated Zeta potential analyzer for quick and precise measurement of Zeta potential, suitable for the characterization of colloids and nanomaterials.

Longi Ectromechanical Company has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing potentiometric analyzers and can quickly repair various instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell used potentiometric analyzers. Please feel free to contact us for more information.