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Comprehensive Guide to PCR Instruments: Usage, Faults, Maintenance, and Brands Serviced

Introduction to PCR Instrument

The PCR Instrument (Polymerase Chain Reaction Instrument) is a precision device that utilizes PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology to amplify specific DNA fragments in vitro. Renowned for its high sensitivity, efficiency, and specificity, PCR technology finds widespread application in molecular biology, medical diagnosis, genetic research, and criminology. By precisely controlling temperature cycles, the PCR instrument facilitates DNA double-strand separation, primer binding, and new strand synthesis, enabling rapid amplification of the target DNA fragment.


The fundamental principles of PCR technology rely on DNA double strands denaturing into single strands at high temperatures, followed by specific binding of primers to single-strand templates at low temperatures, and the synthesis of new strands catalyzed by DNA polymerase at moderate temperatures. This process cycles through denaturation, annealing, and extension steps, theoretically allowing the specific DNA fragment to amplify to 2^N times after N cycles. As a temperature-controlled device, the PCR instrument ensures precise control of temperature and time in each cycle, guaranteeing the smooth progression of the PCR reaction.

Usage Method

  1. Experiment Preparation: Prepare necessary reagents and instruments, including template DNA, primers, dNTPs, buffer, and enzymes, ensuring all reagents are accurately prepared and meet experimental requirements.
  2. Sample Processing: Purify the template DNA to remove potential inhibitors and adjust the concentration as needed.
  3. Reaction System Preparation: According to the experiment manual or design plan, precisely prepare the PCR reaction system, ensuring accurate quantities of each reagent.
  4. Program Setting: Set the reaction program on the PCR instrument, including temperatures and times for denaturation, annealing, and extension, as well as the number of cycles.
  5. Sample Loading: Add the prepared reaction system into PCR tubes and place them in the designated positions in the PCR instrument.
  6. Reaction Initiation: Start the PCR instrument and proceed with the reaction according to the set program.
  7. Result Analysis: After the reaction, analyze the amplified products using methods such as electrophoresis to interpret the experimental results.

Common Faults and Repair Methods

  1. Temperature Instability
    • Phenomenon: Displayed temperature does not match the actual setting or fails to reach the set temperature.
    • Cause: Heating/cooling system malfunction, such as damaged heating elements, fans, or sensors.
    • Repair Method: Inspect and replace damaged components, clean the heating cover, and maintain proper ventilation around the instrument.
  2. Reaction Mixture Sedimentation
    • Phenomenon: Reaction mixture settles on the tube walls.
    • Cause: Inadequate mixing of the reaction liquid or incomplete centrifugation.
    • Solution: Ensure thorough mixing of the reaction liquid and gently centrifuge the tubes before each use.
  3. Leakage
    • Phenomenon: PCR tubes leak.
    • Cause: Improper sealing or use of expired sealing films.
    • Solution: Replace with new sealing films, ensure correct sealing, and avoid moving or shaking the PCR plate.
  4. Power Issues
    • Phenomenon: Instrument fails to start or suddenly powers off.
    • Cause: Loose power plug or faulty power lines.
    • Solution: Check the power plug and lines, and replace the power socket if necessary or seek professional repair assistance.
  5. Program Failure
    • Phenomenon: Program fails to run, unable to complete predetermined cycles.
    • Cause: Computer software settings error, kit quality issues, or incorrect operational steps.
    • Solution: Check program settings, replace with a new kit, and follow the operation manual correctly.
  6. Bulb Malfunction
    • Phenomenon: UV bulb is damaged, preventing visualization of DNA bands.
    • Solution: Promptly replace the damaged bulb to ensure accurate result reading.

Maintenance and Care

  1. Regular Cleaning: Use a lint-free cloth dampened with 75% alcohol to clean the instrument surface and sample stage, keeping ventilation ports unobstructed.
  2. Temperature Calibration: Regularly check the temperature accuracy of the PCR instrument using temperature verification kits, and recalibrate by professionals if necessary.
  3. Hot Lid Inspection: Regularly inspect the hot lid for damage or poor sealing, and replace or adjust promptly to prevent reagent evaporation.
  4. Sample Slot Cleaning: Regularly clean the sample slots to remove potential contaminants, ensuring accurate and reliable experimental results.
  5. Power Management: When the PCR instrument is not in use, it is recommended to unplug the power cord to avoid long-term standby damage to the instrument.
  6. Record Management: Timely record equipment usage, noting the conditions and results of each experiment for traceability and analysis.

Brands and Models of PCR Instruments Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • Applied Biosystems Series: Veriti 96-Well Thermal Cycler, SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler, ProFlex PCR System, QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System.
  2. Bio-Rad
    • T100 Series: T100 Thermal Cycler
    • S1000 Series: S1000 Thermal Cycler
    • C1000 Touch Series: C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler
    • CFX Series: CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System, CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System, CFX Opus 96 Real-Time PCR System, CFX Opus 384 Real-Time PCR System.
  3. Eppendorf
    • Mastercycler Series: Mastercycler Nexus, Mastercycler X50, Mastercycler Pro, Mastercycler Gradient.
  4. Roche
    • LightCycler Series: LightCycler 96 System, LightCycler 480 System II, LightCycler Nano, LightCycler 1536 Real-Time PCR System.
  5. Agilent Technologies
    • SureCycler 8800: High-performance PCR instrument
    • AriaMx Real-Time PCR System: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  6. Qiagen
    • Rotor-Gene Q: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • QIAquant 96 5plex: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  7. Analytik Jena
    • Biometra TAdvanced: High-performance PCR instrument
    • Biometra TRobot: Automated PCR system
    • qTOWER³: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  8. Takara Bio
    • Thermal Cycler Dice Touch: High-performance PCR instrument
    • Thermal Cycler Dice Real Time System III: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  9. Bioer Technology
    • GeneMax Series: GeneMax
    • LineGene Series: LineGene 9600 Plus, LineGene K Plus
    • XP Cycler: High-performance PCR instrument.
  10. Techne (Bibby Scientific)
    • TC-3000 Series: TC-3000 Thermal Cycler
    • TC-5000 Series: TC-5000 Thermal Cycler
    • Prime Series: Prime Thermal Cycler, PrimeG Gradient Thermal Cycler.
  11. Abbott
    • m2000 Series: m2000 RealTime System.
  12. Cepheid
    • SmartCycler II: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • GeneXpert Series: GeneXpert Infinity, GeneXpert IV, GeneXpert XVI.
  13. Fluidigm
    • Biomark HD: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • Juno System: High-throughput PCR system.
  14. Illumina
    • Eco Real-Time PCR System: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system.
  15. Bioneer
    • Exicycler 96: Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR system
    • MyCycler: High-performance PCR instrument.
  16. Sansure Biotech
    • MA-6000 Series: MA-6000 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
    • MA-688 Series: MA-688 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
    • MA-7000 Series: MA-7000 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
    • SLAN Series: SLAN-96P Real-Time PCR System, SLAN-48P Real-Time PCR System
    • San-Q Series: San-Q5 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler, San-Q3 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Cycler.

**Longi Electromechanical Company specializes in the long-term repair of PCR instruments, with nearly 30 years of experience. We can quickly repair various instruments and also offer recycling and sales services for various PCR instruments. Welcome to

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