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 Comprehensive Guide to Water Quality Analyzers: Principles, Usage, Faults, and Brands


The water quality analyzer, also known as the water quality detector, is a precision instrument specifically designed to detect and analyze various physical, chemical, and biological parameters in water bodies. It finds wide application in drinking water monitoring, wastewater treatment, environmental protection, and industrial process control, serving as a crucial tool to ensure water quality safety and enhance environmental protection standards.

1. Functional Principles

The functional principles of water quality analyzers are primarily based on various physical, chemical, and biological sensing technologies, assessing water quality by measuring specific parameters in water bodies. Its working principles may include:

  • Ion-Selective Electrode Measurement: Utilizes electrodes to selectively respond to specific ions in water, determining ion concentrations through the measurement of potential differences or currents generated by the electrodes. Commonly used for measuring pH, fluoride, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ion concentrations.
  • Photoelectric Technology: Employs photoelectric sensors to measure optical properties in water, such as turbidity and chroma. Inferences about certain physical or chemical properties of water can be made based on the intensity or changes in light signals received by the photoelectric sensors.
  • Computer Analysis Technology: Combines photoelectric technology with other sensing technologies, utilizing computers to process and analyze measurement data, deriving various parameters of water quality. This method enables rapid and accurate water quality monitoring and analysis.

2. Usage Method

The usage method of a water quality analyzer typically includes the following steps:

  1. Prepare Sample: According to experimental needs, prepare the water sample to be tested, ensuring the purity and quality of the sample.
  2. Establish Experimental System: Set appropriate experimental conditions and parameters based on experimental requirements.
  3. Instrument Adjustment: Adjust and optimize the water quality analyzer to ensure it is in optimal working condition.
  4. Add Sample: Introduce the water sample to be tested into the instrument, ensuring good contact between the sample and the instrument.
  5. Conduct Experiment: Start the instrument, initiate the experimental process, record experimental data, and observe results.
  6. Data Analysis: Process and analyze experimental data to derive various parameters and assessment results of water quality.
  7. Clean Equipment: Thoroughly clean the water quality analyzer after the experiment to avoid cross-contamination.

3. Common Faults and Repair Methods

Water quality analyzers may encounter certain faults during usage. Below are some common faults and their repair methods:

  • No Display upon Startup:
    • Fault Causes: Power not connected, switch issue, LCD or wiring issue.
    • Repair Methods: Check if the power cord is connected; replace the switch; confirm the normality of the LCD and wiring, and replace if necessary.
  • Poor Data Repeatability:
    • Fault Causes: Insufficient instrument warm-up time, unstable external voltage, poor instrument grounding.
    • Repair Methods: Allow the instrument to warm up sufficiently after startup (e.g., 30 minutes); improve the instrument’s working environment to ensure stable external voltage; check and improve the instrument’s grounding state.
  • Measurement Values Too High or Too Low:
    • Fault Causes: Contamination of the measurement system, electrical drift.
    • Repair Methods: Flush the instrument’s measurement flow path with high-purity water to remove contamination; perform curve calibration on the instrument to eliminate electrical drift.
  • Blocked Drainage:
    • Fault Causes: Blocked drainage connector, folded drainage tube, solenoid valve issue.
    • Repair Methods: Flush the drainage connector and measurement flow path with high-purity water; check for folds in the drainage tube and adjust; check or replace the solenoid valve.
  • No Sample Intake:
    • Fault Causes: Insufficient water sample pressure, faulty or blocked channel valve, filter blockage.
    • Repair Methods: Adjust the sample intake pressure; replace the solenoid or channel valve; replace the filter to clear the blockage.
  • Standard Solution or Reagent Not Added:
    • Fault Causes: Lack of standard solution or reagent, air resistance in the tubing, faulty standard solution or reagent valve.
    • Repair Methods: Add standard solution and reagent; vent the tubing to eliminate air resistance; replace the standard solution or reagent valve.

Note: The above repair methods are for reference only. Specific repair operations should be carried out according to the instrument manual and actual situation. During repairs, ensure safe operation to avoid damaging the instrument or causing personal injury. If faults cannot be resolved independently, it is recommended to contact professional repair personnel from Rongji Electromechanical for assistance.

4. Brands and Models of Water Quality Analyzers Repaired by Longi Electromechanical

  1. Hach
    • DR3900: Benchtop Spectrophotometer for multi-parameter water quality analysis
    • DR6000: High-precision Benchtop UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
    • SL1000: Portable Multi-parameter Analyzer
    • HQD Series: Professional portable and benchtop multi-parameter analyzers, e.g., HQ40D, HQ30D
    • MS5: Portable Water Quality Multi-parameter Probe
  2. YSI (Xylem Inc.)
    • ProDSS: Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzer for field and laboratory use
    • EXO2: Multi-parameter Water Quality Probe System
    • ProQuatro: Portable Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzer
    • Pro2030: Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Analyzer
    • ProPlus: Multi-parameter Portable Analyzer
  3. Horiba
    • U-50 Series: Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzers, U-52, U-53, U-54, U-55, U-52G
    • LAQUA Series: Laboratory Multi-parameter Analyzers, LAQUAact, LAQUAtwin
  4. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • Orion Versa Star Series: High-end Multi-parameter Analyzers, Versa Star Pro
    • Orion Star A Series: Portable and Benchtop Water Quality Analyzers, Star A329
    • Orion AquaMate 8000: Spectrophotometer
  5. Xylem Analytics
    • WTW MultiLine Series: Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzers, MultiLine 3510 IDS, MultiLine 3420 IDS
    • WTW InoLab Series: Laboratory Multi-parameter Analyzers, InoLab Multi 9310 IDS, InoLab Multi 9620 IDS
  6. Hanna Instruments
    • HI9829: Portable Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzer
    • HI83399: Multi-parameter Spectrophotometer
    • HI5522: Laboratory Multi-parameter pH/ISE/EC/DO Meter
  7. Lovibond
    • SpectroDirect: Spectrophotometer
    • MD 600: Portable Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzer
    • AquaLX: Water Quality Spectrophotometer
  8. Mettler Toledo
    • SevenExcellence Series: High-end Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzers, S475, S470, S470-Kit
    • Seven2Go Series: Portable Multi-parameter Analyzers, S2, S3
  9. LaMotte
    • Smart 3 Colorimeter: Portable Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzer
    • TRACER Series: Multi-parameter Probes, TRACER Pocket Tester
    • 2020we/Turbiquant Series: Portable Turbidity Meters
  10. Palintest
    • Photometer 7500: Benchtop Multi-parameter Analyzer
    • AquaPal Series: Portable Water Quality Analyzers, AquaPal Photometer, AquaPal Bluetooth
    • Macro 900 Series: Portable Multi-parameter Water Quality Analyzers

Longi Electromechanical has nearly 30 years of experience in repairing water quality analyzers (water quality detectors, online water quality analyzers), enabling quick and effective repairs for various instruments. Additionally, we recycle and sell various used water quality analyzers. Welcome to consult.