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ACS510 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) User Guide: Operating Panel Usage, Terminal Mode Startup and Speed Adjustment Methods, Fault Analysis and Solution Methods

ACS510 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) User Guide

I. Operating Panel Usage

  1. Power On/Off
    Before powering on, ensure all connections are correct and the surrounding environment meets safety standards.
    Use the power switch on the operating panel to turn the power on or off.
  2. Mode Switching
    LOC/REM Button: Used to switch the control mode of the VFD. Press and hold this button for 2 seconds to toggle between Local Control (LOC) and Remote Control (REM) modes.
    In Remote Control mode, the VFD can be controlled via external terminals or communication interfaces.
  3. Display and Operation
    Display: The LCD screen on the operating panel displays various status information of the VFD, such as motor speed, current, voltage, etc.
    Button Operation: Use the Up/Down arrow buttons to navigate through menus and parameters. The MENU/ENTER button is used to enter and exit menus, while the EXIT/RESET button exits to the previous menu level or resets settings.
  4. Parameter Modification
    Enter the parameter mode, select the parameter group to be modified, adjust the parameter value using the Up/Down arrow buttons, and save the settings with the SAVE button.
ACS510 drive operation panel basic function diagram

II. VFD Terminal Start-up and Potentiometer Speed Control Wiring Methods

  1. Terminal Start-up Wiring
    External Start Signal: Typically, connect the external start signal (e.g., a push-button switch) to the DI1 (Digital Input 1) terminal of the VFD and connect the common terminal to DI COM (Digital Input Common).
    Direction Control: If direction control is required, connect the direction signal to the DI2 terminal.
    Run Enable: Some applications may require an additional run enable signal, which can be connected to the appropriate DI terminal.
  2. Potentiometer Speed Control Wiring
    Analog Input Wiring: When using a potentiometer for speed control, connect the output terminal of the potentiometer to the AI1 (Analog Input 1) terminal of the VFD and connect AI COM (Analog Input Common) to the common terminal.
    Parameter Setting: In parameter group 11, set Reference 1 Select (REF1 SELECT) to AI1 to ensure the VFD receives the speed reference signal from AI1.
standard macro of ACS510 drive function diagram

III. Parameter Settings

  1. Selecting Standard Macros
    Enter parameter group 99, find parameter 9902 (APPLIC MACRO), set it to 1, and select the ABB standard macro. This will automatically set a predefined set of parameters suitable for most general applications.
  2. Motor Parameter Settings
    Input the motor’s rated voltage (9905 MOTOR NOM VOLT), rated current (9906 MOTOR NOM CURR), rated frequency (9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ), rated speed (9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED), and rated power (9909 MOTOR NOM POWER), ensuring these parameters match the data on the motor’s nameplate.
  3. Other Important Parameters
    Acceleration Time (2202 ACCELER TIME 1): Sets the time required for the motor to accelerate from rest to maximum frequency.
    Deceleration Time (2203 DECELER TIME 1): Sets the time required for the motor to decelerate from maximum frequency to rest.
    Maximum Output Frequency (2008 MAXIMUM FREQ): Sets the maximum frequency output of the VFD.

IV. VFD Fault Code Analysis and Resolution Methods

  1. Overcurrent Fault (Code 1: OVERCURRENT)
    Cause: Motor overload, excessively short acceleration time, motor fault, etc.
    Solution: Check if the motor is overloaded, increase the acceleration time, inspect motor and cable connections.
  2. DC Overvoltage (Code 2: DC OVERVOLT)
    Cause: Excessively high input voltage, excessively short deceleration time, improper braking resistor, etc.
    Solution: Check the input voltage, increase the deceleration time, inspect the braking resistor configuration.
  3. Overtemperature Fault (Code 3: DEV OVERTEMP)
    Cause: Excessively high ambient temperature, faulty cooling fan, dust accumulation, etc.
    Solution: Lower the ambient temperature, clean dust, replace faulty fan.
  4. Motor Stall (Code 12: MOTOR STALL)
    Cause: Motor or load stall, improper motor selection, etc.
    Solution: Inspect the motor and load, ensure correct motor selection.
  5. Panel Loss (Code 10: PANEL LOSS)
    Cause: Communication fault between the control panel and the VFD.
    Solution: Check control panel connections, communication settings, and cables.

Please follow this guide for operation and adjust parameters and wiring according to actual conditions. If any issues arise, please contact us technical support promptly.

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Mitsubishi E700(E720,E740) Inverter Operation Guide: Terminal Start, Potentiometer Speed Control, and Fault Handling

Mitsubishi E700 Inverter Operation Guide: Terminal Start, Potentiometer Speed Control, and Fault Handling

The Mitsubishi E700 series inverter is widely used in various industrial control applications due to its high performance and reliability. This guide aims to introduce the terminal start method, potentiometer frequency control, and analyze common fault codes and their solutions for this series of inverters.

Mitsubishi Inverter E700 Series Terminal Control Mode Wiring Diagram

I. Terminal Start Method
The terminal start function of the Mitsubishi E700 inverter allows users to control the inverter’s start and stop via external signals. Here are the basic steps to achieve terminal start:

Set the Pr.79 Operation Mode Selection Parameter:
Adjust the Pr.79 parameter to the appropriate operating mode for external control. For example, setting it to “2” puts the inverter in external operation mode, while “3” allows joint control via the operation panel and external signals.
Connect the STF (forward start signal) and STR (reverse start signal) terminals to the external control device. These signals are usually dry contact signals that initiate forward or reverse rotation when they are ON.
Ensure the voltage level of the control circuit matches the inverter’s requirements.
Testing and Debugging:
After wiring and parameter settings, conduct functional tests to ensure the inverter responds correctly to external start signals.
II. Potentiometer Frequency Control
The Mitsubishi E700 inverter supports frequency adjustment via an external potentiometer, allowing for motor speed control. Here’s how to achieve it:

Parameter Settings:
Set the Pr.73 Analog Input Selection parameter to allow terminal 2 or 4 to receive analog signals (based on the inverter model and configuration).
Set Pr.161 to “1” to enable the M knob as a potentiometer mode, allowing frequency adjustment through rotating the M knob or an external potentiometer.
Connect the potentiometer’s output signal to the corresponding analog input terminal of the inverter (e.g., terminal 2 or 4).
Adjust the analog input gain and offset parameters (such as Pr.125 and C2) according to the potentiometer’s resistance range and output voltage/current range.
Rotate the potentiometer and observe the inverter’s output frequency changes to ensure the speed control function works properly.
III. Fault Codes and Solutions
During operation, the Mitsubishi E700 inverter may encounter various faults, displaying corresponding error codes. Here are some common fault codes and their solutions:

E.OC1 (Overcurrent During Acceleration):
Cause: Motor stall, too short acceleration time setting, or improper motor capacity selection.
Solution: Check the motor and load for abnormalities, extend the acceleration time, and adjust the motor capacity selection.
E.OV1 (Regenerative Overvoltage During Acceleration):
Cause: Excessive regenerative energy generated during motor deceleration, causing high DC bus voltage in the inverter.
Solution: Extend the deceleration time, enable the regenerative braking function (e.g., connect braking resistors or braking units).
E.THT (Inverter Overload):
Cause: Heavy load, high ambient temperature, or poor heat dissipation.
Solution: Reduce the load, improve heat dissipation conditions, or increase the inverter capacity.
E.OC3 (Overcurrent During Deceleration):
Cause: High load inertia during deceleration, too short deceleration time setting.
Solution: Extend the deceleration time or enable the regenerative braking function.
Er1 (Write Prohibited Error):
Cause: Attempting to modify parameters while writes are prohibited.
Solution: Check the Pr.77 Parameter Write Selection setting to ensure parameter writes are allowed.
By mastering the terminal start, potentiometer speed control functions, and fault handling methods of the Mitsubishi E700 inverter, you can effectively enhance equipment efficiency, stability, and reduce maintenance costs. We hope this guide aids you in using the Mitsubishi E700 series inverter.